one cop vs 25 stoners


Active Member
Yknow, I don't know whether to laugh, or be pissed about the ignorance and arrogance of some law enforcement agencies.
"Pot tainted cookies delivered to cops"

Seargent in a news conference: "The cookies had a strong odor of marijuana, because him or his friends must have been smoking marijuana while they were baking them"

They assume they were pot cookies because apparently one cookie under pursumptious testing (wow...), showed traces of LSD.....wait..what?


Well-Known Member
This thread should be stickied as the "videos we have all seen 35 times before" thread.

all we're missing is the cop who thinks he ODs.


Well-Known Member
idk bout u guys... but i think something is up bookworms ass... ( im sorry for posting a vid with ur cousin in it... get over it dude...)


Well-Known Member
idk bout u guys... but i think something is up bookworms ass... ( im sorry for posting a vid with ur cousin in it... get over it dude...)
no, it's not that, if anything I'm proud to have my cuz in that tent. It's just that people love to come on the site with that vid, the lsd brownies, the cop who thinks he ODs, and a couple others that I can't remember right now. While the UofColorado vid is from this year, some of that other stuff is really old, and people think it's like the greatest thing since sliced bread.


Active Member
When I saw this video today, i thought of my friend who got busted in his dorm room at 2:30 this morning for smoke some herb! bullshit! drug dogs and all. He said they kick open his door, throw his roommate down, and raided his stuff. Oh i forgot to mention he was sleeping... they act like he killed someone.


Well-Known Member
When I saw this video today, i thought of my friend who got busted in his dorm room at 2:30 this morning for smoke some herb! bullshit! drug dogs and all. He said they kick open his door, throw his roommate down, and raided his stuff. Oh i forgot to mention he was sleeping... they act like he killed someone.
holy SHIT! what school?


Active Member
WSU lol. I guess there going to give him a ticket of some sort. I just really scared about losing his scholarship.


Well-Known Member
WSU lol. I guess there going to give him a ticket of some sort. I just really scared about losing his scholarship.
Washington? I doubt it. I got busted at my school, I got housing probation, a bullshit essay, and a fine. Colleges are usually REALLY light (relatively) on first offenses.

edit, I'm on a scholarship and I didn't lose mine.


Well-Known Member
What about losing federal financial aid
oooh, federal might be gone. they have little tolerance for weed. I know that colleges that recieve federal grants for research and whatnot aren't allowed to allow mmj use or possession on campus or they'll lose their federal funding.


Active Member
Yeah man thats what i was thinking! feds hate anyone to do with weed. Fuckers! Well ill pass the info on to my friend thax


Active Member
no, it's not that, if anything I'm proud to have my cuz in that tent. It's just that people love to come on the site with that vid, the lsd brownies, the cop who thinks he ODs, and a couple others that I can't remember right now. While the UofColorado vid is from this year, some of that other stuff is really old, and people think it's like the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Nobody thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Everyone here knows weed has been the greatest thing before and since sliced bread.

But hey if you gotta feel like your above people, you gotta stay up to date with your popular viral videos.


Well-Known Member
Nobody thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Everyone here knows weed is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But hey if you gotta feel above people, you gotta stay up to date with your popular viral videos.
i guess I should just stop opening these threads. I love getting up to date on virals, but when people post the same shit every 2 weeks they get old.


Well-Known Member
lol. I'm just testy cause of reports and projects and finals are just around the corner (i.e. monday) I'ma go smoke soon.
yah man.. i no wat u mean... i hav a few papers to write and thn gota study for finals soon... suuucks...

o well tho... cant wait for 'winter' break :joint::hump::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yah man.. i no wat u mean... i hav a few papers to write and thn gota study for finals soon... suuucks...

o well tho... cant wait for 'winter' break :joint::hump::mrgreen:
hell fucking ya. last final is thursday, gonna smoke ALL FUCKING DAY friday.