Ona gel


New Member
does anyone here use ona gel? i just got a jug of it today and surprisingly it works pretty well... is it safe to put it in my growbox or will my buds absorb the smell and then taste like shit come time to smoke? whats your guys opinion on this stuff? has it worked well for you?


Well-Known Member
I do. Dont put it in your room tho. I have a ona bucket outside my room. It works great for me. I got a gallon off amazon for like $50 i put a 1/4 cup in my soilmoist-ona bucket once a month. Add some h2o when it starts to cake up. Walahh


Well-Known Member
Ona works great. I dont use it in the growroom either though. Its gonna stink in there anyways, and if your close enough to see them, why try to hide the smell? Use the ona in the surrounding rooms or space, not in the grow box.
i use the "ona gel - fresh linen". the one that comes in the 1liter jar. ive been using it for a week and it works alright. i filled up two martini glasses and placed them around the room ( im trying to conserve haha). it covers the smell completely but after a week the smell slowly starts creeping back. im sure it would completey mask the smell if you used more.