ONA gel/pads


Well-Known Member
Im wondering if these will keep the smell at a low for about 2-4 plants when flowering.. possibly with an ionic breeze quadra in the hallway..let me know thanks.


New Member
Ona Gel helps ... but not enough. Invest in a carbon filter and your worries will be over. Don't forget ... the plants smell FAR worse after harvest while drying.



Active Member
after buying 2 carbon filters, 1 for each flowering room.. the smell will sometimes escape the rooms and build up inside and outside, i put a 1 qt ona gel tub outside my rooms and thats it smell gone. by it self i cant tell you, but carbon filter and gel really have worked for me


Active Member
i have 4 hydro plants under a 400 watts h p s light, 2months in to flower almost, the o n a works great. in my hallway i have two ozium auto sprayer( ok at hydro stores and amazon they charge 50 to 70 bucks for two things of ozuim and one of the sprayer things! at wallmart you can buy the air wick timed sprayers come with one can air wick, safe the top from the air wick, not the cap but the sparyer and put it on the ozuim, 12 to 15 bucks that way) o n a is great, try the bucket dude, 9 cups water one cup ona gel and one cup soil moist but some holes in the bottom of bucket for air to leave when you attack the fan. if you cant drill and cut in to walls like i cant its the best way to go

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
if you have a stinky strain they won't help flowering plants stink especially at the end if you have neighbours they'll probably know about it soon if that's all you plan on using honestly mate unless your legal or don't mind getting arrested use it otherwise go with proper precautions and use a carbon filter if you don't without trying to sound nasty you deserve all you get, flowering plants stink to high heaven especially when being harvested and the days approaching