On the slippery slope... am I becoming a Facebook Whore?


Well-Known Member

Even though I've had facebook for a long time, i barely used it and always claimed to "hate" it.

I hated going on there just to see people updating their status every flippin' minute giving you every god damn detail of their mundane lives.

Recently though, I seem to always have it open. I'm always popping on there, seeing what's going on.

I think i'm beginning to see it in a different way... It's not just somewhere for people to talk about everyday goings on. I see it now for what it really is... An extremely powerful communication service.

Last time i checked i think Facebook had over 300 Million (300,000,000) members.

That's incredible. As is most of the technology in the 21st century. This allows you to communicate to people from all over the globe with ease.

I'd like to see more groups forming though, groups with good causes. There's plenty of "if this groups reaches (insert number here) my nan will change her name to..." etc.

The internet has obviously, completely change the world. Yet there's still a lot that hasn't been done. People are still learning about the power it has. Which is exciting.

Think about it... if you want to bake a cake, a very certain type of cake, finding the recipe in the past could've been hard. These days all you have to do is visit your new pal google and 99 times out of 100, you'll get your recipe.

I'm not entirely sure what this rant is about, believe it or not, I'm not actually high, haha.


Well-Known Member
I'm the same way, I've had a Facebook since the conception of it... but rarely used it until my trip home from Alaska, it was great keeping everyone updated of where I was, posting photo's of where I had been... and I've made a good many friends from that trip and Facebook combined.


Well-Known Member
facebook has its place......i keep in contact with family that lives far away some in other countries that i prolly otherwise wouldnt talk to so its works for me :)