On the go cure


Active Member
I'm going to be going on a camping trip and my baby is almost at harvest. I don't want to leave it alone because i know that it'll dry up and maybe die while im gone.

So my question is, if i harvest and then go on the road, can i store my fresh cut buds in a container with something that will suck the moisture out. Like those do not eat packs? or how they put rice in salt.

Any ideas or suggestions?
i'm going to cure and dry them while camping, just wondering the best way to transport them because it will be quite a long trip


Well-Known Member
I suppose you could, cardboard box and a couple big packs of silica gel for drying, bring your curing jars along. But I suggest you drive under the speed limit and make sure your vehicle is in good working order as getting pulled over for even a minor infraction will be a one way ticket to the clink for you and everyone in your car.. There would be no covering the stink, people would be able to smell it at every rest stop you went to, every fast food window, etc. It's a huge risk, I personally wouldn't take it. If you could get it dried and in jars before you left it would be better, but still pretty risky.


New Member
Damn homie how long ya going camping, I would probably just cut and hang right before i left. Then when you get back they will be dry and you can start the cure. Don't travel with wet weed. Drying can take 5-7 days if left alone in a dark closet, so really, how long ya going camping?



Well-Known Member
Damn homie how long ya going camping, I would probably just cut and hang right before i left. Then when you get back they will be dry and you can start the cure. Don't travel with wet weed. Drying can take 5-7 days if left alone in a dark closet, so really, how long ya going camping?


Thats what I was thinking ...


Active Member
Thank you very much :]
I'll only be gone about 5 days, so i guess i can just cut n hang. Just worries me being away from my weed at one of the most crucial moments in it's life haha

well thank you all for the help, I'll be sure to post pics of the harvest, and when i get back too!


Well-Known Member
i wouldadvie against taking your whole harvest with you on a camping trip. what if you get pulled over and a cop finds your weed then your hard work goes down the drain. cut the plant and hang it as long as you wont be gone more than 7-10 days you're golden. just come home and put them in jars, then begin the cure. you dont want to use any type of dessicant to cure your shit with....bad


Well-Known Member
Water it before you go. crop it when you get back if its ready by then.
In my opinion most new growers take it a week or two early due the no paitients. What a great way to make sure it is completly ready.


New Member
Hang and go dude, no question. Just dont go crazy, No need for any fans on it or anything, Just cut it and hang and if your grow space wil be empty you can just hang it in there with the lights and all fans exhaust the exhaust fan off. Assuming that whatever you were using for odor control during the grow can even keep it from stinking while it dries. Then whe you get back just throw it in jars.

Personally i got $5 that says you spend the while trip thinking about getting home.

Good Luck
