On Sandy Burgular ...

How about a governor hiring an unqualified lover to be in charge of Security for the state of NJ and running around to turnpike rest stops to get bjs behind his wife's back... then when he is about to be ratted out by his ex-lover he tries to hide the whole thing behind 'I'm a gay American'?
Also while speaking about NJ let's talk about Jim Corzine.... it would take me 3 hrs to list all the corrupt shit he has been linked to.

Though he said he would sign MMJ act... so not all bad.
Yes, it never ends. Those in power, in their efforts to control the people, honestly believe they can change human nature ... and the facts are ... they cannot even change their own.

And you are a prime example of this Med. Here you sit in Las Vegas in a nice, warm, comfy home, hoarding your hobby Tinker Toy in the garage, while only a few blocks away from you, out of the glitter of the neon lights, there are starving, homeless people freezing in the Nevada winter. How GREEDY of you, Med! Come on ... sell it all and get with the "Compassion Program."

And you are a prime example of this Med. Here you sit in Las Vegas in a nice, warm, comfy home, hoarding your hobby Tinker Toy in the garage, while only a few blocks away from you, out of the glitter of the neon lights, there are starving, homeless people freezing in the Nevada winter. How GREEDY of you, Med! Come on ... sell it all and get with the "Compassion Program."

Get off your bully pulpit. I worked my ass off for the meager existence I'm living. If anyone should rid themselves of some property to help the less fortunate it should be people of your Ilk. BTW anytime you feel up to it I'll offer you a ride in my toy, just don't puke in it because you'll probably get sick, next summer if I feel I can trust you, I'll invite you out for a test run, I think you might like it. Just think about a 45 year old car going 120+ in the quarter and you holding on to nothing with the windows flapping in the breeze and no brakes, well 45 year old drum brakes, like no brakes at 120, the thought of it makes me laugh so hard I want to cry! You'll be screamin Stop, Stop and I'll be sayin, I can't! Ha ha ha ho ho! BTW I give to the local homeless shelter and a few other charities, I've fed a few of my less fortunate friends on Thanksgiving and christmas. They are always welcome to come eat on those holidays, I can't feed them every day, I can barely feed my own brood, but being sarcastic is your stock and trade, is it not? At least when I come after you I come head On!
"Get off your bully pulpit. I worked my ass off for the meager existence I'm living."

And that's exactly the point, Med. Do you think those who have more than you didn't work their asses off to get what they have? You sure as shit don't want to give yours up ... so where did you get the balls to expect others to give up what you are unwilling to give? Does forcing others to be charitable make YOU feel charitable in some demented way?

"Get off your bully pulpit. I worked my ass off for the meager existence I'm living."

And that's exactly the point, Med. Do you think those who have more than you didn't work their asses off to get what they have? You sure as shit don't want to give yours up ... so where did you get the balls to expect others to give up what you are unwilling to give? Does forcing others to be charitable make YOU feel charitable in some demented way?

How much is enough? that is the only question here, How fucking much is enough. When you have every toy known to man, your house paid for 2 million in the bank, a stock account worth mega-thousands, I mean where do you draw the line. I believe at some point along this challenge, the person has reached a point where he should be forced to part with some of his excess wealth, through taxation. You believe a person should be allowed to accumulate un-restricted. that is where we are different!
Yep, my way is economic freedom. Your way is slavery. Why? Because once we lose our economic freedom, we lose our political freedom as well. Don't believe it? Take a look at the two parties representing us today and the policies they BOTH espouse.

Yep, my way is economic freedom. Your way is slavery. Why? Because once we lose our economic freedom, we lose our political freedom as well. Don't believe it? Take a look at the two parties representing us today and the policies they BOTH espouse.

Fuck those two parties, I've always said you pick the lessor of the two Evils. I realize they are both out of control and really, I don't see any solution outside of complete insurection. That will never happen because the majority are too comfortable in their own little existence to pick up a firearm and stand up to the bullies. You believe in no taxes and I believe in progressive taxation. I really don't think I'm going to change my mind and sure as hell don't think you are. So where does that leave us? Stymied, Parallelogramed on opposing sides. I don't see a triangle forming here, or a circle. So lets drop the tax thing. You can think I'm a socialist with communistic leanings and I can think you're a plutocrat with Nazi tendicies! Peace!
Fuck those two parties, I've always said you pick the lessor of the two Evils. I realize they are both out of control and really, I don't see any solution outside of complete insurection. That will never happen because the majority are too comfortable in their own little existence to pick up a firearm and stand up to the bullies. You believe in no taxes and I believe in progressive taxation. I really don't think I'm going to change my mind and sure as hell don't think you are. So where does that leave us? Stymied, Parallelogramed on opposing sides. I don't see a triangle forming here, or a circle. So lets drop the tax thing. You can think I'm a socialist with communistic leanings and I can think you're a plutocrat with Nazi tendicies! Peace!

Sorry Med, but you're not getting off that easily. Find one ... just ONE post that I've made where I've said that I believe in NO taxes. I'll save you the time. The fact is, I've never said it. I said, and continue to say that I'm in favor of abolishing (not revamping) the entire income tax code and replacing it with an excise (sales) tax.

And by the way, to paint me as a Nazi is not accurate at all. After all ... the Nazis were Germany's socialist party.

And by the way, to paint me as a Nazi is not accurate at all. After all ... the Nazis were Germany's socialist party.

Ok you're maybe not a card carrying Nazi, but you have similar tendecies, disregarding the socialist part!
And by the way, to paint me as a Nazi is not accurate at all. After all ... the Nazis were Germany's socialist party.

Ok you're maybe not a card carrying Nazi, but you have similar tendecies, disregarding the socialist part!

OK, assuming that you are correct in your analysis ... please list the traits in my political "tendencies" that are Nazi-like.




OK, assuming that you are correct in your analysis ... please list the traits in my political "tendencies" that are Nazi-like.

1.You like G.W.Bush, enough said!



Here it comes you pretentious twerp, NO Fucking Lists Period. I'm not a schoolboy and you're not the great Gatsby. Chill out!
I see ... so liking a FEW things that GW did makes me a Nazi, eh?

Name those things, Med:




I see ... so liking a FEW things that GW did makes me a Nazi, eh?

Name those things, Med:

1. Name that tune
2. Name that donkey

3.Name that car>

4.Name that nameless person that drives you to such anal retentive declarations as this!
In a word Bullshit!
And again ... you make it very obvious that you just make statements to make statements. Or at the very least you make it apparent that you don't think before you post.

And again ... you make it very obvious that you just make statements to make statements. Or at the very least you make it apparent that you don't think before you post.

Maybe I don't do your bidding. Maybe I don't do your bidding. Did I mention, maybe I don't do your bidding!
If "bidding" means making allegations and statements without the ability to back them up, then YES, you are not doing my bidding. *lol*

You keep making the allegations and wild assertions Med ... and I'll keep holding you accountable, how's that?

If "bidding" means making allegations and statements without the ability to back them up, then YES, you are not doing my bidding. *lol*

You keep making the allegations and wild assertions Med ... and I'll keep holding you accountable, how's that?

Well, now you have me re-considering if I want to meet with you or not. I don't see the need to be face to face to have an arguement, I'm way too unrefined to argue face to face. I'm more likely to take a swing at someone than argue with them. Life has taught me to duck, but mostly it has taught me avoidance tactics and as my dad always said, the first blow is the best. So in this case, I think I'll skip the face-off, that being the first blow. I will continue to post my thoughts and continue to not do your bidding and do lists, If I say " Al gore won the 2000 presidential election" That is from what I've read and seen on the John Stewart show, so I know it's true!~LOL~