
New Member
by remaining neutral on every level, it shows your lack to make a real decisions, thus only perpetuating the cycle of tyranny. By choosing not to decide, you still have made a choice bob. and the choice you are making is to allow the cycle of fuck the citizen to continue.

you are eather a full on sheeple, or a full on LEO.
The more I hear bob bark at the moon the more it sounds like he's cop
can we keep a rock and roll theme going?


Well-Known Member
So....there is never a legitimate cannabis arrest when it involves the term "MEDICAL"? OR YOU GUYS KMOW WHICH ONES ARE GUILTY OR INNOCENT BEFORE ANY FACTS COME OUT? when cannabis is the only issue on any level absofuckinglutely there is NEVER a legitimate arrest bob. the entire anti cannabis stigma is based soley on lies dealt by the very government that employs you bob. DEA Pay well these days?

Didn't that post start "not defending the feds? As a undercover DEA AGENT, the first point of entry is to associate similar distrust of the intended target/s. 1st page of the manual bob, you know that as well as I do bob The All I was pointing out was that you can't pick sides before you know the whole story. But you do every time.

Go hang with timmahh..both of you. Intelligent minds think alike Agent.

And to answer your original question...I hope my having an open mind and waiting for more facts before I take sides, never stops...seems you have lost your ability to do so.
As an Undercover Narcotics Agent, articles of interaction dictates you maintain a nuetral position on all counts, to seemingly be just one of the followers, but position theirselves to create Just enough contention as not to shine any un ordinary light in the dissension among the ranks.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
by remaining neutral on every level, it shows your lack to make a real decisions, thus only perpetuating the cycle of tyranny. By choosing not to decide, you still have made a choice bob. and the choice you are making is to allow the cycle of fuck the citizen to continue.

you are eather a full on sheeple, or a full on LEO.
I don't remain neutral...I simply wait for all the information BEFORE I take sides....big difference.


Well-Known Member
Rock n Roll all night and party every day with a recreational joint. lol oh oh, you didnt read that did you bob? lmao


Well-Known Member
i can dig that bob. I would rather be involved in the Decision Making instead of the decision listening.

Seems the latter your just stuck with what you are given and are supposed to like it.

besides, when your involved IN the decision making, the odds are in your favor.
you do always go for the odds dont you bob?

If that is honesly how you do things bob. it makes perfect sence why you think everyone else is a criminal, while you grew dope before 2008 and are just a medical patient.

Yuk Beets.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
i can dig that bob. I would rather be involved in the Decision Making instead of the decision listening.

Seems the latter your just stuck with what you are given and are supposed to like it.

besides, when your involved IN the decision making, the odds are in your favor.
you do always go for the odds dont you bob?

If that is honesly how you do things bob. it makes perfect sence why you think everyone else is a criminal, while you grew dope before 2008 and are just a medical patient.

Yuk Beets.
Timmahh...please stop twisting my words and opinions to fit your needs. I don't think "everyone else" is a criminal....I just think that the criminals hiding behind this law, are creating issues for the true patients and cg's.

Your rally cry is to create civil unrest..not to help patients...You wish to crate an angry mob..not a united front. That said....I'm taking some time off from this board.....I'll be at hash bash working towards the med law...I'll look for you in the "protest" group.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Hey Rawbud... Been staring at yer plants lately? lol. You know I have been. Remember I walk mine in a baby carriage.

The thing about this guy they hit. I believe that he is known to have paid over $1Mill in taxes to state and fed. They popped him because he's high profile. Plus he went on national tv w his shit eatin grim and talked too much. The Feds hate that.

buds- still restoring old caddy's?
peace -Abe

Actually I was thinking the same as Bob, I am FOR THE PROTEST & these people out there upset.. But @ the same time we know NOTHING about the real issue, it could very well be one person who messed it all up by avoiding taxes or something in that manner.

I am sure the IRS were the main ones to push this, they just had the DEA & Feds do the labor. When dealing with that much $$$, it is easy to lose paperwork & tax info which is what they are most likely after.

So yeah it is NOT GOOD for mmj to be hated on by FEDs, though we don't know what the real issue is here. Oaksterdam & those other ops were multimillion dollar businesses.. IRS does not play when talking about that kind of money.