On average, how much do you smoke per day?


Well-Known Member
On a day where I can wake and bake, I'd go through about just 2 grams for myself...on a day where I'm just smoking at night, typically half a gram to a gram.


Active Member
I try to keep it around 1g a day.. Wake up, smoke a bowl.. Smoke a bowl before work, on lunch, then after work. Then I usually have 1 getting into bed, and 1 before I pass out at night.


Well-Known Member
damnit lol someone beat me to the stupid answer. And i was only gonna say one ounce. half a pound got a good laugh from me.


Well-Known Member
i used to smoke the 2 grams a day maybe even a 8th a day, now i rarely smoke everyday and its only a bowl. at night to relax. medically i dont need it so its all just a relaxing thing. However i do miss wake and baking

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
When I was still in school my routine was...
Wake n Bake, Go to Class, Smoke, Class, Smoke, Play Video Games, Work Out, Smoke while cooking dinner, Homework, Smoke before bed.


used to be probably about a gram a day. now its down to about .5 a day.

about half a gram aday to myself in a conservative bowl is has litte has i would smoke a day. but i usually smoke like a g or 2 a day

unless i have mids


Well-Known Member
about half a gram aday to myself in a conservative bowl is has litte has i would smoke a day. but i usually smoke like a g or 2 a day

unless i have mids

yeah recently i been hit with tickets, fines for my past arrest im still not done dealing with :wall:, and bills and saving for school. i only make 70 bucks a week so i been kinda low on cash.

my gf has been buying the weed all summer. 2 months? shes getting kinda tired of that.


Well-Known Member
any where between 3 to 6 grms.
depends on the day im havein
and how many weed naps i get thrown into...


Active Member
I try to keep it around 1g a day.. Wake up, smoke a bowl.. Smoke a bowl before work, on lunch, then after work. Then I usually have 1 getting into bed, and 1 before I pass out at night.
you just mapped out my smoking routine to a 'T':shock::hump: