OMRI Listed Miticides/Fungicides

Just the facts.....everyone comes out of the woodwork to bash things like Forbid 4F...After deeply researching it. I find it less toxic then Neem!

So many of you never bother to really look at what your using! I run organic....I just don't fall for blindly following labels and easily given OMRI ratings!

Good stuff Doctor. One of my Sensei's liked going back and forth with Forbid then Floramite every 4 weeks and stop at 2 to 3 weeks into Flower.

One of the better growers on here has beautiful plants and sprays AzaMax every week for the first 4 weeks of veg.

What would you prefer?
Naw doc all is cool as far as I'm concerned; I don't like the smell of the neem seed meal when I add it to the mix so it seemed to me that bugs wouldn't like it either. Neem seed has npk value as well so it's win-win; sunny happy blue skies

Gnats are not a big deal if you just keep the top layer dry and/or use a mulch. DE works great at preventing them and is a source of natural silica when it finally breaks down. I got spiders galore in my grow area & often use a shop vac to suck them fuckers up to control population. They are good to have around I think. Pretty sure I was getting thrips from bringing in bags of soil from various suppliers but since I now recycle my own soil in house and amend with neem seed meal I've not seen them back.
There are several kind soil mites and nematodes that are good to have in a healthy organic soil food web. They feed on the bad bugs & bacteria. Spider mites are like the borg or so I hear; never got them but they also get in from the outside by bringing in clones & whatnot from other grows...prevention is key; laxin like a mfer

Doc is the real deal.
I've never had mites in my lab and hope I never do. I wonder why I've never had them because I'm far from careful and actually quite laxidazial ( is that a word lol) when it comes to prevention. Is there something that is introducing these critters? I do live on the water and have tons of spiders so I wonder if that may be helping. When in soil, fungas knats were the thing that caused me mucho grief.

Living around pine trees seems to be a way for a higher chances. I did discover that once I got rid of the wild grapes within 100 meters of the buildings....I didn't have root aphid attacks Of course, I stopped allowing the cats in too. That made a lot of things stop...
Good stuff Doctor. One of my Sensei's liked going back and forth with Forbid then Floramite every 4 weeks and stop at 2 to 3 weeks into Flower.

One of the better growers on here has beautiful plants and sprays AzaMax every week for the first 4 weeks of veg.

What would you prefer?

I don't understand the back and forth! They don't get tolerant to Forbid. I will not use Floramite or Avid - very toxic! I hear there are 2 new specific mites insecticides. Sultan is one and looks to be ok in my book so far. Tox levels to humans are low but, it gets in water ways and fish, aquatic invertebrates and such have problems with it. It builds in soils in the water too. Effective life on the plant - 9 days. It is 100% synthetic and was invented in Japan and BASF owns the rights to it.

I am also not fan of prevent insecticide or anti fungal use! If I don't have it, I don't need to "cure" it....Practice clean growing and have far less problems!

Note: Stressed plants give off a scent that attracts mites! Grow healthy for less chance of getting mites in the first place.
Living around pine trees seems to be a way for a higher chances. I did discover that once I got rid of the wild grapes within 100 meters of the buildings....I didn't have root aphid attacks Of course, I stopped allowing the cats in too. That made a lot of things stop...
Cats....yuk, they cause all kinds of crap, pardon the pun. Had an old timer tell me that if you have em in clones you can spray them with water that is jyst above freezing and it will kill them but never tried it.
Capt Jacks spinsad = Mites/bugs

You make your own "best" PM controllers. Once a plant has PM. You can only "control" it, not kill it (with out using a very nasty systemic fungicide. It's not to be used on plants that are consumed)!

BE CLEAN! STAY CLEAN! FOLLOW prevention rules!

Thanks for the advice brother. Much appreciated! Do you follow instructions on the bottle for use? Higher/Lower? Any input would help greatly. If you could check out my other post and add any insight again it would be much appreciated.
I've never had mites in my lab and hope I never do. I wonder why I've never had them because I'm far from careful and actually quite laxidazial ( is that a word lol) when it comes to prevention. Is there something that is introducing these critters? I do live on the water and have tons of spiders so I wonder if that may be helping. When in soil, fungas knats were the thing that caused me mucho grief.

best I can figure they come from really good friends and dispensary clones only.
I dare those fuckers all the time, my lawn equipment is parked in the same dirt floor building,
my dirt is stored there too. I dont change my shoes after walking to the door of the grow room.
sometimes when working in there my door to the dirt floor is wide open. my dog has visited.
I never used anything but a drop of dlimonene as a contact or a gnat outbreak and two years ago I saw ants farming
aphids on a plant, killed at once with a spray of the same.
I follow the instructions.

DR WHO thank you for your information always I have been a member here a long time I don't always post I simply lurk and learn I have been growing outdoor since 1998 and legally since 2010 in michigan indoors. I have many times come across threads where you have posted very like minded knowledgeable advice thank you. As far as this article is concerned constantly spraying neem on the plants or azamax or mighty wash etc in flowering is far more dangerous to human health than using forbid 4f and just ridding yourself of the problem for good. I used to use Avid myself until Forbid became available and held the caution sign instead of warning like Avid does. Absolutely prevention is a must good room cleanliness is necessary clean up the dead foliage sweep dust pick off dead leafs keep the canopy temps down etc. But People who think spraying shit on the plants all day like neem is "safe" compared to using Forbid one time and being done with it are idiots. The oily funk taste of neem sprayed buds will forever fester in my mouth from years and years ago. In recent years i've found spraying my floors and the sides of my pots with Onslaught insecticide (Esfenvalerate) has helped keep me from having mite problems for years, it is a micro encapsulated pyrethriod based insecticide which is quite safe, especially since it never even touches the plants or soil :) It also kills aphids whiteflies and fungus gnats, which I have also not had a problem with in years now. It is enough that with good cleaning practices my plants never need to be sprayed with ANYTHING other than thousands of watts of light. Good day my man keep up the great advice