Omg!! Wtf did i do?????


Well-Known Member
Wow, wtf did i do?? I have been having a prob with my plants getting to tall. So everyone has been telling me to "super crop". Ok well i go to bend my plants and one of them bends 90 degrees instead of curving :wall:. Will she be alright or is she done for???

Sorry the third pic is sideways but yea u can see it bent over.


Well-Known Member
I hope so! I thought you jus bent it enough so it curved but not bent like that. I could be wrong tho, looking for any help I can get. Hope I didnt mess it up!!


Well-Known Member
The problem you are having is first and foremost your light must be way way too far away from the tops of the plants because they are stretching like there's no tomorrow. You're going to have a whole lot of stalk with tiny buds here and there.

No amount of topping and training is going to fix that. The only other thing that can make a plant stretch this much is having way too little of a light to begin with.

Get the light where it should be, which is as close as you can before she burns. I bet you have it at least 4x further away than it should be if it's not just incredibly too small to begin with, could be on the ceiling the way they look.

And no, it won't hurt a plant even if the stalk is half way broken off, as long as it is still connected it will recover just fine. But, I see HPS light, so maybe you are starting flowering? If so you don't want to shock the plants with any trimming or training you don't have to do. It will stunt her growth in the worst time possible.

Next time around you'll shit yourself at how much faster they're growing, how different they look, and how much more yield you end up with when you keep the lights as close as you can all the way though.


Well-Known Member
The problem you are having is first and foremost your light must be way way too far away from the tops of the plants because they are stretching like there's no tomorrow. You're going to have a whole lot of stalk with tiny buds here and there.

Umm, I have a 1000w hps light in a 4x4 space. The problem was that they would gro to close to the light and then i would have to move the light so they wouldnt burn and they would gro to the light again. I tried to keep it as close as possible and they started to burn.
I started flowering 2 wks ago and they were 17 inches and now they are 47 inches. I have kept the light as close as possible (even to close at some points).


Well-Known Member
Yea, you are supposed to have to adjust the light all the time, that's how it works.

It could be that the light was just way too far away in veg when they were small too. Then that original stretching was magnified again in flower.

You have to be doing something very very wrong. How many square feet of floor space does the light cover, not just plants but how much space before light bounces off walls?


Well-Known Member
It is a 4x4 area there is only 5 plants so it doesnt even fill up the area. Neway here is some pics of wat they looked like when i started veg. and wat they looked like before the.........well u kno. I figure a 1000w is enough to cover any 4x4 area,when the max hieght is prolly 4ft, so 4x4x4.

They are the ones in the orange 5 gal. buckets.



Well-Known Member
They started out better than they ended up.
1kw is sure enough for 4x4, just keep that light down on them more next time then.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Is the light air cooled? If it is not, that would allow you to get the light closer without burning them. I air cooled my light (400 watt hps) and can keep it 4" from the tops now. Before I had to keep it 16" away to avoid heat stress and burning.


Well-Known Member
I raised my light only a few inch more than it was at safely. I took it took it to 6 or 7 in form the 4 I could keep it at and the day growth was noticably weeker. It is odd but in a day or maybe 2 I vould notice the new growth of the buds in flower as neing not as full.

Def need cool hood and lower lower lower.


Well-Known Member
there is a thread i have to research for you shows how to make an auto mover for your lights... its on a timer ever 12 hours it raises itself 6 inches.. with hps this is awsome as long as the plant doesnt grow faster then the mover moves the light.. great pics though.. I would say I had the same problem bend at a 90 and it got a bulge at the bend area then recovered just fine... as long as you didnt break off 70% of the stalk it will grow a lump and continue growing.. At least that was my experience and what i read when it happen and i freaked LOL


Well-Known Member
thanx yall for the advice, any helps. I have a cooled reflector, i have a inline fan attached to a dryer hose clamped to the reflector with the glass covering the bulb and it still gets hot. Idk y the plants kept growing like that. Maybe its the strain idk. I checked again this morn and its still bent like it was before, but all the soon to be colas are pointing up toward the light now. So I hope she will recover with out any set backs!! I'll post pics along the way so u can see how shes doin.


Well-Known Member
my 2 cents:

just because the main stalk is broken like that it shouldnt hurt the plant too much - just STOP TOUCHING IT... the plant will repair that bend to be stronger than it was before you bent it... by the end of the flowering cycle you wont be able to bend it straight again if you leave it bent at 90 degrees until it finishes...

BUT - thats not exactly how supercropping is supposed to work... instead of bending it (which can sometimes split the stalk open if its too fat) you want to squeeze it with your fingers and roll it around until you can feel the insides collapsing and turning to "mush"... when you let go the plant will fall limp, and the plant will fix this by putting a big knot there... i dont think most people would choose the spot you did to supercrop, but some supercrop the main cola... i use a screen so i supercrop some of the side branches...