OMG some guy killed from his own booby-trap!!!!


Active Member
...The barely visible wire, similar to that used in pianos, had been used as some form of protection for the four large plants.
Who Traps such a small crop?
Hope those where some bushy bitches, to lose his head of over 4 plants.
Either way, dumb move.
And the Darwin goes too... Mr Daniel Ricketts of NY, USA!


Staff member
wait a minute... He has leg snares like one would set for coyotes? ...He did live in the forest, maybe he was catching deer or COYOTES. Not going to catch a fk`ing human with a foot snare....

The piano wire, people put that shit up all the time, this was no booby trap, this was to support large flowers.

The news is really fk`ing stupid, this was not a home-made booby trap, it was an idiot who forgot where the clothes line was.
just looking for coyotes perfectly scattered around his pot plants?
no its was deff made for rippers.
its sad my moms friend died this way he was driving his atv ont he atv trails and i guess some farmer put up one of this wires anyways his head got taken off he was like 23 at the time, and it was 100% farmers faults in canada we have atv trails so he was in his right to drive there


Well-Known Member
Heres an interesting little WWII tidbit on booby traps. Anti-Decapitation Device

"The Germans were known to string tough piano wires neck-high across the roads that Allied Jeeps traveled on. The steel tension wire provided a nasty way to lop off the heads of Jeep drivers and passengers. Often the wire couldn't be seen or if seen, it was usually to late to stop in time. The GI's answer for this booby-trap was the Anti-Decapitation Device, field made angle iron bolted upright to the front bumper. The device extended above the the heads of those riding in the Jeep, and at the top it is angled forward and usually notched to catch and cut the wire."


Well-Known Member
This actually made me LOL. "During WWII Jeeps were coming out of the Willys and Ford Plants at rate of one jeep per one and a half minutes and by the end of the war over 700,000 had been built. The Americans had so many Jeeps that some German soldiers believed each America GI got his own Jeep as standard issue."


Well-Known Member
just looking for coyotes perfectly scattered around his pot plants?
no its was deff made for rippers.
its sad my moms friend died this way he was driving his atv ont he atv trails and i guess some farmer put up one of this wires anyways his head got taken off he was like 23 at the time, and it was 100% farmers faults in canada we have atv trails so he was in his right to drive there
Happend to three snowmobiles last winter where I'm at. Farmers strung wires out so people would ride the land.


New Member
Happend to three snowmobiles last winter where I'm at. Farmers strung wires out so people would ride the land.
a few years back a guy rode his sled to work.On a path beside the road.During the day homeowner strung a cable.It took the guys head off on his way home.No charges filed.WTF.Its almost happened to me numerous times.
In Humbolt,everything was booby trapped.Fish Hooks at eye level were popular to catch the tweakers.Thats why you did not just go for a nature walk there.


Undercover Mod
I was in Lowes the other day and an older guy and his son were asking where the piano wire was. I thought it was strange


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to see that?>
Oh, I'm what most people would call "a sick fuck."

It's part of life and the world we live in.... people try to hide the "nasty" stuff from us... then when people actually face it they go nuts and have all sorts of problems.