Omg emergency!!

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It's an emergenc to me. My plants won't show signs of budding yet but show that their females.. If I turn the light off for 36 hours will it begin to bud?


Well-Known Member
You have them on twelve/twelve with total darkness, no leaks right? If so, then patience it is.,I noticed some look droopy, like they are overwatered

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Maybe. Dunno I got a 400 watt hps in there for 5 plants. And I water them when their leaves he like that. That's not over watering that's them bending down due to no water


Well-Known Member
Your problem is ...

No fans. ... Get a small oscilliating fan ..... No, get 2!

Vent that hood outside.. ... Your plant is drooping due to the high humidity and heat. .... Do you sometimes feel moisture on the inside of the tent?


I see your vent system, my bad... All the same, an oscillating fan is a must.
And if that heat is not being expelled outdoors and is just being recycled it won't help much.

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Active Member
Ok so. I'm leaving the light off for 36 hours. It will turn on Tomarrow at 5 am ten off at 5pm. I will then post pics on my photobucket again Tomarrow I between 5:15-5:30

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Ok new pics click the link to check it out. In my sig. I think I know what I did wrong. I lolipopped them all the way to the scrog. Watered them today. The leaves were bending down. Used 8 ml of micro cutting edge , 5 ml of cutting edge grow and 5 ml of cutting edge bloom.

all in 1g of water. Shook up well.