OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm NOT hating on you here. I'm concerned and it does bother me that anybody would make such statements to a stranger on the internet. Why, I can't really say. Perhaps it's just my nature, but I thought we had had a couple of good conversations recently and we were making progress. I want you to be successful at RIU but with such a negative attitude I'm afraid you won't have that opportunity. I tell you this because I don't want to see you get into trouble. So many infractions and it's an automatic ban. Enough people report a post and the mods are forced to act. We are supposed to be a bunch of peaceful stoners but then we have people making threats and comments like the one you makes us all look bad. We don't need any more damage done to the cause.:cry:
the doc is deep and makes a valid point.


New Member
Ok, I apologize.... I've turned a new leaf lol no pun intended lol...... I apologize to stonerprincess..( can i get a hug?) u r rite...i shouldnt hit a woman...even if shes a whale


Well-Known Member
Yea man,
im so high..
and hes making me feel sooooo fucking bad :(
Im apologized, and im going to go share this half of a J with someone.
I don't wish to make anyone feel bad. You did apologize so it's all good, let's move on and try to learn from our mistakes.:blsmoke:

:joint:'s for everyone!!!!!!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I don't wish to make anyone feel bad. You did apologize so it's all good, let's move on and try to learn from our mistakes.:blsmoke:

:joint:'s for everyone!!!!!!:eyesmoke:
Very wise doc no experience is bad as long as you learn from it. And it sounds like lessons have been learned that's great and worthy of smoking to :D


Well-Known Member
At the start of my relationship with my girl she punched me square in the face for doing something stupid but looking back at it I did deserve it and thanked her later on.... Whether or not this person deserved being punched in the face by you i can never guess but what show's fucking mental strength is not even harming another human. This is what makes us different from animals, we where given the brain power to evolve...use it.


Well-Known Member
Ok here's the into a fight with my fat ass girl friend...the fucking whale got mad and broke the neck of one of my g.d.p... I got mad and told her how would she felt if some on broke her neck ( stupid cunt so fat she has no neck)... so I slapped the bitch. She cried and stormed out the house yelling that she's gonna call the cops n tell them what i"m doing...(only have two 2 inchers growing at the moment) she said she will make sure I get busted n get butt raped in this whale is crazy....should I scratch my grow? How much time am I looking at for two plants...n is it true that m.j growers r the first to get butt violated in the big house?
Hahahaha. You are dumb tripin over tiny plants. You need a good ass raping for being a sissy boy. LoL.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
At the start of my relationship with my girl she punched me square in the face for doing something stupid but looking back at it I did deserve it and thanked her later on.... Whether or not this person deserved being punched in the face by you i can never guess but what show's fucking mental strength is not even harming another human. This is what makes us different from animals, we where given the brain power to evolve...use it.
Exactly. You can justify things but that never means it's acceptable. Hindsight is 20/20 learning from our mistake is probably the most important thing. That and owning up to the mistake in the first place.

the hashshasher

Active Member
you cant be serious
their 2 inches? move them
how much time will u do for 2 plants? more than u want to
is it true that m.j. growers r the first to get butt raped? no r u fuckin stupid?


Well-Known Member
Don't be too sensible. 80% of the people here are high....the other 20% too stupid to comprehend what you're saying. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok here's the into a fight with my fat ass girl friend...the fucking whale got mad and broke the neck of one of my g.d.p... I got mad and told her how would she felt if some on broke her neck ( stupid cunt so fat she has no neck)... so I slapped the bitch. She cried and stormed out the house yelling that she's gonna call the cops n tell them what i"m doing...(only have two 2 inchers growing at the moment) she said she will make sure I get busted n get butt raped in this whale is crazy....should I scratch my grow? How much time am I looking at for two plants...n is it true that m.j growers r the first to get butt violated in the big house?
i just wanted to come n before this thread gets closed and call you a low life scum of the earth piece of shit.

get fucked.

edit - now having read this thread, i see the op realizes he should have never hit a woman. at least something positive came from this (if it is real and not a troll job. if it is a troll job, well played sir)