OMFG! Are you as happy as me?


Im in New Zealand. Most americans dont even know where that is lol :D Cheers
Nah man everyone knows about NZ now thanks to LOTR and good old Peter Jackson. Nah but seriously I think most Americans know its near Australia. Still, some probably couldn't tell you which is Indonesia and which is New Zealand, you know?:peace:


Well-Known Member
LOL true 'HighAlert', its a funny old world really. NZ is quite small, but i'm surprised how many people do actually know its existence :D


Active Member
Yeah, i will look for the link and def post it.
But for the winter maybe light is more intense? or more of it i mean. And reflect off the snow?


what are you talking about buddy? here in Canada we live in igloos all year round lol you wouldn't believe how many fucken times Ive heard this.


Well-Known Member
im in wisconsin too!!! YAHOOOO. Snow though made me cut down my girls early :( I love snow normally!!


Any of you guys remember about 6 years ago, think maybe 2003 or maybe snowed in the desert in Northern Texas? I think it was in November and I was moving to the west coast. Packed up my car and gave my roomate my snow scraper for my car since I didn't think I'd ever use it again. Took the southern route and stayed in Amarillo over-night. The next morning there was like 2 feet of snow on the ground!!

It was some trippy shit...Joshua trees all covered in snow!


Well-Known Member
Damn Global warming, got us again
lol yeah co2 is bad for plants and makes it too hot were all going to burn to death or drown first even though more co2 means more plants and more plant means that more co2 will be made into oxygen wich means co2 levels will stabilize i dont think that al gore realizes that matter isnt created or destroyed its just recycled because ''someday you wil die and somehow something is going to steal your carbon''


Well-Known Member
Right on Askeezy... I can't wait for the first snow in my parts. :bigjoint:

What an amazing thing to live in a great country where we can all live in different climates and surroundings. Share a common bond, while also getting to choose what state we want to make our home.