Kami Samurai
Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,
I have a question about germinating old seeds. (11 & 6 year old seeds). Questions actually...
What is your oldest successful germination? How were you able to accomplish this, and what method did you follow? I’m aware of most methods to do this but not a lot of people speaking with actual experience. Also does anyone have experience with gib-acid? My main concern with using gibberellic acid is that it can cause a polyploid mutation. Polyploid mutations can result in a sterile plants which would defeat the entire purpose of this project (Open pollination preservation).
Does anyone have a simple bio catalyst recipe they use as well? I’m going to start with the older ones since there is only 5 regs, Subcools Jesus OG Kush. Norstar already has F2 stock if anyone is interested in the genetics. If you have a simple tek like just H202 and sandpaper with success on anything around this old? I also was thinking about using the monster garden kit but I have to check if the gib acid is in there.
If there is anyone in here with reliable method of using gibberellic acid without causing mutations in any of their experiments.
I remember reading a thread a while ago I can’t find where they used this on some old seeds but I can’t find it. I already have this as well.

Thank you for your time reading my questions, I know it’s a lot and am grateful for any help.
I have a question about germinating old seeds. (11 & 6 year old seeds). Questions actually...
What is your oldest successful germination? How were you able to accomplish this, and what method did you follow? I’m aware of most methods to do this but not a lot of people speaking with actual experience. Also does anyone have experience with gib-acid? My main concern with using gibberellic acid is that it can cause a polyploid mutation. Polyploid mutations can result in a sterile plants which would defeat the entire purpose of this project (Open pollination preservation).
Does anyone have a simple bio catalyst recipe they use as well? I’m going to start with the older ones since there is only 5 regs, Subcools Jesus OG Kush. Norstar already has F2 stock if anyone is interested in the genetics. If you have a simple tek like just H202 and sandpaper with success on anything around this old? I also was thinking about using the monster garden kit but I have to check if the gib acid is in there.
If there is anyone in here with reliable method of using gibberellic acid without causing mutations in any of their experiments.
I remember reading a thread a while ago I can’t find where they used this on some old seeds but I can’t find it. I already have this as well.

Thank you for your time reading my questions, I know it’s a lot and am grateful for any help.

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