OLD Strain not yielding like past, Small yield


I have been growing a strain of kush for a few years with great yields. I have changed nothing, yet the plants are not even yielding half of what they used to.
I did have some aphids at wk3 and treated them with Don't Bug Me, and it solved the issue. They dident seem to go in shock. They look great and the plant growth is of consistent size of past. Also there are less root masses. Now im in wk 5 of flowering, the buds are resonated, dense look well, just small, half the size. I have been chasing my ph daily, but i always have had to w my NFT system ( I use Fox Farms ). Im stumped. Any ideas, or ?


I use clones, I cut during the end of veg. From Kush strain (started w 1 mother, now i clone clones) Im on my 5th harvest of the strain w issue. 1st few harvests got 140-200g per plant under 1000MH veg 30 days and 1000HPS 60ish days flower. I use RW 6x6 cubes 4 per 4' tray w H20 flowing consent threw trays at a med flow, it recycles to my res, that has a bubbler and power head for agitation. I change res wkly, and flush bi wkly. I use a britta filter on tap H20 frm house. Fox Farms Hydro food and there 3 additives Cha,Ching, ext.


Well-Known Member
I use clones, I cut during the end of veg. From Kush strain (started w 1 mother, now i clone clones) Im on my 5th harvest of the strain w issue. 1st few harvests got 140-200g per plant under 1000MH veg 30 days and 1000HPS 60ish days flower. I use RW 6x6 cubes 4 per 4' tray w H20 flowing consent threw trays at a med flow, it recycles to my res, that has a bubbler and power head for agitation. I change res wkly, and flush bi wkly. I use a britta filter on tap H20 frm house. Fox Farms Hydro food and there 3 additives Cha,Ching, ext.
How old is your bulb/s? The larger wattage HPS and MH decline in lumen output relatively quickly. It's not usually visible to the human eye, but the plants can tell. If it's at or over a year old (1 year is the absolute longest I would ever use an HID bulb) I would consider changing it out and see if that doesn't fix your problem. Best of luck and happy growing.:weed:


My lights r fresh, I use the same brands always, and change HPS every 6months of 12/12 and MH 4months of 18-24hrs use. Can clones loose traits? It doesn't seem genetically possible. Could clone stress affect or change strain traits?


Well-Known Member
Your clones will be identical to the mothers indefinitely. Since there's something wrong with the root mass, I'd have to think that it's either nutes or some contamination in the system. Do you decontaminate the system between grows?


I do decontaminate between harvests thorough. I burn sulfur wkly, add H2O2 wkly cu I had rot rot last harvest due to warm res when i was out of town, and flush w Floraclean bi wkly. I also use the same nutes. All this I had great results in past, thats why im stumped, all is same except bud size. Plants r healthy, resonated, dense, lush. Im thinking ether the bug infestation at wk3 slowed root growth, so when flowering started a wk later they couldn't keep up w plants demands (like i said the look great)? I have used a cheep brita UV filter on tap fot yrs. ( i change frequently) I did move frm ON the beach to 3.3 miles inland, but the city h2O quality report frm city r the same. I had to add a dehumidifier due to heaver marine layer than on the ocean. But my adjustments to rm and res temp r good. Any of this info help? R there ny other questions I can answer that cld help u w theory? Thanks a bundel


Well-Known Member
You're a much more advanced grower than I am. I wish I could help more, but the nutes and possibility of a contamination was the only things that came to mind. You might want to run this info past fdd2blk or one of the other more experienced growers. He's pretty busy on his new string, so you might have to send him the info in a private message. I'm really sorry that I couldn't be of more help.