Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Fleur Du Mal sells Ortega, I have it but haven't flowered it yet. It has a rotten bananas odor, he says. I think the Skunk #1 they used, mixed with the Ortega, and selecting the skunkiest smelling plants to make f2s, etc, is what happened. Just a guess but I bet I'm more right than not.

And my Mass Super Skunk has not lost the odor when curing.
Did the SSkunk loose any taste on cure :) Just wondering because I've grown weedz that have skunky smell dank , but taste nothing like it smells . Just saying . It gets tiresome . lol
Purple Punch that was it good stuff 80s vibe :) My Homeboy Z told me 5 yrs ago to do the Punch . I bought the clone 5yrs ago but lost it at a friends houise uhgg . Anyway That was the purple we smoked. Well they finally told us other day . They were gate keeping . I read about the punch although its top notch pot it doesn't say skunky but I def . got the 80s danky out of it . So I'll be on that hunt soon .. Any others I should be looking at ? thx .. Where s Our Skunky weedz ? Uhg
I'm going to look at the wedding crashers too , it might have been that one we tasted ? Its Wedding cake x P punch . I'll find out . soon
One of the pure louis I grew out from cv was the most offensive and and loud smelling plant I've come across. Like someone was burning a skunk carcass 10 feet away from you. Opening 1 jar instantly filled a room and stunk up the whole house. I've come across varying degrees of skunky smells across many different gene pools, but that was something else. Didn't have the road kill ammoniated skunk spray smell though.

Someone should try making a Skunk/Afghan x Catpiss cross.
Did the SSkunk loose any taste on cure :) Just wondering because I've grown weedz that have skunky smell dank , but taste nothing like it smells . Just saying . It gets tiresome . lol
Yeah ime super skunk loses a tad of the rankness in cure its one of those ones the skunkyness is volatile so by time its proper cured its changed a bit

One of the pure louis I grew out from cv was the most offensive and and loud smelling plant I've come across. Like someone was burning a skunk carcass 10 feet away from you. Opening 1 jar instantly filled a room and stunk up the whole house. I've come across varying degrees of skunky smells across many different gene pools, but that was something else. Didn't have the road kill ammoniated skunk spray smell though.

Someone should try making a Skunk/Afghan x Catpiss cross.
Id try and get redskunk for that cross its catpissy in most phenos its self so it can only be increased crossing it to a stinky afghani
In my area, in North East Ky, we first got Skunk in 1978. In 1971 a buddy of mine played in a band, and they opened up for various acts, including James Gang. This particular concert was in Athens Ohio.
At this concert, my buddy met a guy named William Keith "Noodles" Hayes. Noodles invited my friend to come to his farm, in Meigs County Ohio. In the 70s, Meigs county was known as the Humboldt county of the East, and Noodles was the #1 guy in Meigs, and was also known all through Appalachia for his weed.
A grower from Ky, on Instagram, said he knew of Noodles, and that he was one of the most respected growers in Appalachia, during his time. This guys name is Ky Skunklord, and also sells seeds to various banks, and is fairly well known. He was buddies with the Cornbread Mafia.
And he knows who Noodles was, and respects him. He is also holder of Killer New Haven, which is one of the parents of Petrolia Headstash.

In 1972, Noodles gave my friend the first Indica I ever saw, and hadnt really heard of it using the term Indica. We were used to getting landrace Mexican, Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, Red/Gold Columbian, Thai. Noodles had been collecting seeds since the 60s.

This stuff would grow like a hedge/forsythia bush, and was a deep brick red when dry, and extreme lung buster. It would make your head spin, with each hit. So my buddy grew this until 1984, when he got ratted out, and the cops got it. He did a year in jail. He actually got lucky, because he was technically to far away from the plants, when they arrested him, but he had a small amount of weed, on his person. He did weekends for a year.

So then, in 1978, Noodles gave my buddy some Skunk seeds. And it truly reeked of skunk. You could smell a patch of it 300 yards away, if the wind was blowing right. So my buddy used the Ohio River, Scioto, and Big Sandy rivers to grow it, away from people, on what then, were very remote stretches of river bank, that nobody really frequented, and the only real way to get there, was by boat. He used the Levisa, and Tug Forks of the Big Sandy, at the foothills of the Appalachians. Bordering Va, West Va, and Ky. And on the river banks of the Ohio in Lewis County Ky, and Adams County Ohio. Lewis is one of the largest counties in Ky, and has one of, if not the lowest population density, still to this day. To say Lewis was in the middle of nowhere in the 70s-80s is an understatement. Same for the Levisa, and Tug Forks if the Big Sandy. He also had a buddy he grew with. Also consider my buddy was born in 1949, and he passed away last year. I was the one that found him. Noodles was 4-5 years older than him. So these guys were really really old school. My buddy wuld travel up to 120-130 miles to plant on the Levisa, and Tug Forks. We were in Ashland Ky, and he would travel as far away as the Breaks Interstate Park, in Virginia, to plant. And as far north as Waverly ohio, on the Scioto. And for fertilizer he would use individual elements. 46-0-0. 0-44-0 - 0-0-52. Lime Usually both Calcitic, and Dolomite. These were common to use in farming back then. He usually only went back to kill males, as the fertilizer would hold them for the whole season. If one has never grown on a river, the growth rate is off the charts for river growing. The bad thing about it is that in October, we get all kinds of Fog, and it can quickly cause rot, and mildew.

But my buddy asked Noodles what the Skunk was made up of. Noodles said the skunk he had was made up of Kerala, and an unnamed Indica, and was a Sativa dominant structure. Long medium sized donkey dick colas. 10 foot tall plants. Huge secondary branching. Ive seen colas from this stuff 3 feet long, and as big around as a 2 litre bottle. My friend grew this, along with the Indica until 1984 when the cops got it, and Ive not seen the likes of it since. He also grew Highland Guerrero, he got from Noodles. That too, was extremely good weed. Memorable.

Noodles is also the originator, of Meigs County Gold, or which at the time Willie Nelson was extremely fond of, and used to visit Noodles farm every so often. Meigs Gold was a cross of Acapulco Gold, and Skunk #2, which from the descriptions Ive seen are the same specs as Skunk #1. I have a strong suspicion Noodles had connections to Sacred Seeds.

Noodles got busted, also from a rat, in the late 90s, and did 7 years in federal prison, and passed away in 2020, at the age of 76. He would be 79 now. He passed at St Marys Medical Center in Huntington West Virginia. His son is a member of this forum, but only signed up, several years ago, to set some things straight about Meigs County Gold. And YES, it is still around, but extremely hard to get.

Ive often wondered if Noodles had anything to do with Haze, as his last name is Hayes, and he was directly connected to many growers in California/Humboldt County, in the 60s. As this is where he got many of his seeds. Ive also wondered if Noodles was connected to the development of Skunk, as his was the first I ever heard of in 1978, and they were for sure calling it Skunk, but was never referred to as Roadkill. It was just straight up skunk, and thats exactly what it smelled like.
It also seems curious that many say that in the late 90s, the skunk started becoming elusive. I just wonder if the prevalence of Skunk demise, had any relation to Noodles going to prison, and not breeding it anymore.
Sk1 was never Skunk like we are speaking of. I grew that stuff from the very first of being available by mail.

Ive also seen Marc Emery mentioned. way back. He was scorned by the weed community in Canada, after it was found he was passing off F2s as original stock. And he sold millions of seeds like this. I also grew his Sk1 and it was a let down. Very very weak vs original. Must have made bad selections, or just bred anything, just to get seeds. Sk1 is a stabilized hybrid, so he had to have made bad selections to have his Sk1 come out so weak vs the original. Goes to show you how fast someone can fuck something up.

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In my area, in North East Ky, we first got Skunk in 1978. In 1971 a buddy of mine played in a band, and they opened up for various acts, including James Gang. This particular concert was in Athens Ohio.
At this concert, my buddy met a guy named William Keith "Noodles" Hayes. Noodles invited my friend to come to his farm, in Meigs County Ohio. In the 70s, Meigs county was known as the Humboldt county of the East, and Noodles was the #1 guy in Meigs, and was also known all through Appalachia for his weed.
A grower from Ky, on Instagram, said he knew of Noodles, and that he was one of the most respected growers in Appalachia, during his time. This guys name is Ky Skunklord, and also sells seeds to various banks, and is fairly well known. He was buddies with the Cornbread Mafia.
And he knows who Noodles was, and respects him. He is also holder of Killer New Haven, which is one of the parents of Petrolia Headstash.

In 1972, Noodles gave my friend the first Indica I ever saw, and hadnt really heard of it using the term Indica. We were used to getting landrace Mexican, Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, Red/Gold Columbian, Thai. Noodles had been collecting seeds since the 60s.

This stuff would grow like a hedge/forsythia bush, and was a deep brick red when dry, and extreme lung buster. It would make your head spin, with each hit. So my buddy grew this until 1984, when he got ratted out, and the cops got it. He did a year in jail. He actually got lucky, because he was technically to far away from the plants, when they arrested him, but he had a small amount of weed, on his person. He did weekends for a year.

So then, in 1978, Noodles gave my buddy some Skunk seeds. And it truly reeked of skunk. You could smell a patch of it 300 yards away, if the wind was blowing right. So my buddy used the Ohio River, Scioto, and Big Sandy rivers to grow it, away from people, on what then, were very remote stretches of river bank, that nobody really frequented, and the only real way to get there, was by boat. He used the Levisa, and Tug Forks of the Big Sandy, at the foothills of the Appalachians. Bordering Va, West Va, and Ky. And on the river banks of the Ohio in Lewis County Ky, and Adams County Ohio. Lewis is one of the largest counties in Ky, and has one of, if not the lowest population density, still to this day. To say Lewis was in the middle of nowhere in the 70s-80s is an understatement. Same for the Levisa, and Tug Forks if the Big Sandy. He also had a buddy he grew with. Also consider my buddy was born in 1949, and he passed away last year. I was the one that found him. Noodles was 4-5 years older than him. So these guys were really really old school. My buddy wuld travel up to 120-130 miles to plant on the Levisa, and Tug Forks. We were in Ashland Ky, and he would travel as far away as the Breaks Interstate Park, in Virginia, to plant. And as far north as Waverly ohio, on the Scioto. And for fertilizer he would use individual elements. 46-0-0. 0-44-0 - 0-0-52. Lime Usually both Calcitic, and Dolomite. These were common to use in farming back then. He usually only went back to kill males, as the fertilizer would hold them for the whole season. If one has never grown on a river, the growth rate is off the charts for river growing. The bad thing about it is that in October, we get all kinds of Fog, and it can quickly cause rot, and mildew.

But my buddy asked Noodles what the Skunk was made up of. Noodles said the skunk he had was made up of Kerala, and an unnamed Indica, and was a Sativa dominant structure. Long medium sized donkey dick colas. 10 foot tall plants. Huge secondary branching. Ive seen colas from this stuff 3 feet long, and as big around as a 2 litre bottle. My friend grew this, along with the Indica until 1984 when the cops got it, and Ive not seen the likes of it since. He also grew Highland Guerrero, he got from Noodles. That too, was extremely good weed. Memorable.

Noodles is also the originator, of Meigs County Gold, or which at the time Willie Nelson was extremely fond of, and used to visit Noodles farm every so often. Meigs Gold was a cross of Acapulco Gold, and Skunk #2, which from the descriptions Ive seen are the same specs as Skunk #1. I have a strong suspicion Noodles had connections to Sacred Seeds.

Noodles got busted, also from a rat, in the late 90s, and did 7 years in federal prison, and passed away in 2020, at the age of 76. He would be 79 now. He passed at St Marys Medical Center in Huntington West Virginia. His son is a member of this forum, but only signed up, several years ago, to set some things straight about Meigs County Gold. And YES, it is still around, but extremely hard to get.

Ive often wondered if Noodles had anything to do with Haze, as his last name is Hayes, and he was directly connected to many growers in California/Humboldt County, in the 60s. As this is where he got many of his seeds. Ive also wondered if Noodles was connected to the development of Skunk, as his was the first I ever heard of in 1978, and they were for sure calling it Skunk, but was never referred to as Roadkill. It was just straight up skunk, and thats exactly what it smelled like.
It also seems curious that many say that in the late 90s, the skunk started becoming elusive. I just wonder if the prevalence of Skunk demise, had any relation to Noodles going to prison, and not breeding it anymore.
Sk1 was never Skunk like we are speaking of. I grew that stuff from the very first of being available by mail.

Ive also seen Marc Emery mentioned. way back. He was scorned by the weed community in Canada, after it was found he was passing off F2s as original stock. And he sold millions of seeds like this. I also grew his Sk1 and it was a let down. Very very weak vs original. Must have made bad selections, or just bred anything, just to get seeds. Sk1 is a stabilized hybrid, so he had to have made bad selections to have his Sk1 come out so weak vs the original. Goes to show you how fast someone can fuck something up.

Cool story, I wonder if that unnamed indica is a afghani?
In my area, in North East Ky, we first got Skunk in 1978. In 1971 a buddy of mine played in a band, and they opened up for various acts, including James Gang. This particular concert was in Athens Ohio.
At this concert, my buddy met a guy named William Keith "Noodles" Hayes. Noodles invited my friend to come to his farm, in Meigs County Ohio. In the 70s, Meigs county was known as the Humboldt county of the East, and Noodles was the #1 guy in Meigs, and was also known all through Appalachia for his weed.
A grower from Ky, on Instagram, said he knew of Noodles, and that he was one of the most respected growers in Appalachia, during his time. This guys name is Ky Skunklord, and also sells seeds to various banks, and is fairly well known. He was buddies with the Cornbread Mafia.
And he knows who Noodles was, and respects him. He is also holder of Killer New Haven, which is one of the parents of Petrolia Headstash.

In 1972, Noodles gave my friend the first Indica I ever saw, and hadnt really heard of it using the term Indica. We were used to getting landrace Mexican, Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, Red/Gold Columbian, Thai. Noodles had been collecting seeds since the 60s.

This stuff would grow like a hedge/forsythia bush, and was a deep brick red when dry, and extreme lung buster. It would make your head spin, with each hit. So my buddy grew this until 1984, when he got ratted out, and the cops got it. He did a year in jail. He actually got lucky, because he was technically to far away from the plants, when they arrested him, but he had a small amount of weed, on his person. He did weekends for a year.

So then, in 1978, Noodles gave my buddy some Skunk seeds. And it truly reeked of skunk. You could smell a patch of it 300 yards away, if the wind was blowing right. So my buddy used the Ohio River, Scioto, and Big Sandy rivers to grow it, away from people, on what then, were very remote stretches of river bank, that nobody really frequented, and the only real way to get there, was by boat. He used the Levisa, and Tug Forks of the Big Sandy, at the foothills of the Appalachians. Bordering Va, West Va, and Ky. And on the river banks of the Ohio in Lewis County Ky, and Adams County Ohio. Lewis is one of the largest counties in Ky, and has one of, if not the lowest population density, still to this day. To say Lewis was in the middle of nowhere in the 70s-80s is an understatement. Same for the Levisa, and Tug Forks if the Big Sandy. He also had a buddy he grew with. Also consider my buddy was born in 1949, and he passed away last year. I was the one that found him. Noodles was 4-5 years older than him. So these guys were really really old school. My buddy wuld travel up to 120-130 miles to plant on the Levisa, and Tug Forks. We were in Ashland Ky, and he would travel as far away as the Breaks Interstate Park, in Virginia, to plant. And as far north as Waverly ohio, on the Scioto. And for fertilizer he would use individual elements. 46-0-0. 0-44-0 - 0-0-52. Lime Usually both Calcitic, and Dolomite. These were common to use in farming back then. He usually only went back to kill males, as the fertilizer would hold them for the whole season. If one has never grown on a river, the growth rate is off the charts for river growing. The bad thing about it is that in October, we get all kinds of Fog, and it can quickly cause rot, and mildew.

But my buddy asked Noodles what the Skunk was made up of. Noodles said the skunk he had was made up of Kerala, and an unnamed Indica, and was a Sativa dominant structure. Long medium sized donkey dick colas. 10 foot tall plants. Huge secondary branching. Ive seen colas from this stuff 3 feet long, and as big around as a 2 litre bottle. My friend grew this, along with the Indica until 1984 when the cops got it, and Ive not seen the likes of it since. He also grew Highland Guerrero, he got from Noodles. That too, was extremely good weed. Memorable.

Noodles is also the originator, of Meigs County Gold, or which at the time Willie Nelson was extremely fond of, and used to visit Noodles farm every so often. Meigs Gold was a cross of Acapulco Gold, and Skunk #2, which from the descriptions Ive seen are the same specs as Skunk #1. I have a strong suspicion Noodles had connections to Sacred Seeds.

Noodles got busted, also from a rat, in the late 90s, and did 7 years in federal prison, and passed away in 2020, at the age of 76. He would be 79 now. He passed at St Marys Medical Center in Huntington West Virginia. His son is a member of this forum, but only signed up, several years ago, to set some things straight about Meigs County Gold. And YES, it is still around, but extremely hard to get.

Ive often wondered if Noodles had anything to do with Haze, as his last name is Hayes, and he was directly connected to many growers in California/Humboldt County, in the 60s. As this is where he got many of his seeds. Ive also wondered if Noodles was connected to the development of Skunk, as his was the first I ever heard of in 1978, and they were for sure calling it Skunk, but was never referred to as Roadkill. It was just straight up skunk, and thats exactly what it smelled like.
It also seems curious that many say that in the late 90s, the skunk started becoming elusive. I just wonder if the prevalence of Skunk demise, had any relation to Noodles going to prison, and not breeding it anymore.
Sk1 was never Skunk like we are speaking of. I grew that stuff from the very first of being available by mail.

Ive also seen Marc Emery mentioned. way back. He was scorned by the weed community in Canada, after it was found he was passing off F2s as original stock. And he sold millions of seeds like this. I also grew his Sk1 and it was a let down. Very very weak vs original. Must have made bad selections, or just bred anything, just to get seeds. Sk1 is a stabilized hybrid, so he had to have made bad selections to have his Sk1 come out so weak vs the original. Goes to show you how fast someone can fuck something up.

Killer story mate but you mixed yourself up there bud petrolia head stash is one of the parents of herijuana and thats lineage is killer new haven x petrolia headstash the killer new havens from Kentucky outdoor stuff the petrolias reputed to be from humbolt from all ive heard over the years and heri was steve tucks strain as for skunk#2 think the only remnants of that left available really are skunk special and skunk red hair the number2 from the 80s/ 90s was ferrys creation he worked for posi and nirvana before starting fms in Holland he also bred ice and a few other things
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Its just despicable that we don;t have any Humboldt type Skunk weed to enjoy , uhggg waa waaa waaa waaa lolollllll dang it man . :) Just saying . lol
Killer story mate but you mixed yourself up there bud petrolia head stash is one of the parents of herijuana and thats lineage is killer new haven x petrolia headstash the killer new havens from Kentucky outdoor stuff the petrolias reputed to be from humbolt from all ive heard over the years and heri was steve tucks strain as for skunk#2 think the only remnants of that left available really are skunk special and skunk red hair the number2 from the 80s/ 90s was ferrys creation he worked for posi and nirvana before starting fms in Holland he also bred ice and a few other things

Could have mixed it up, but Kentucky Skunk Hunter, has the Killer New Haven cut. Its also known as Cornfield Bud , and was brought to Ky in the mid-late 80s. New Haven, is in Nelson County Kentucky. Same place as the Abby of Gethsemani, where Thomas Merton lived. It originally came from Holland, and was further acclimated to Ky, after many breedings. According to "ndnguy"
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Could have mixed it up, but Kentucky Skunk Hunter, has the Killer New Haven cut. Its also known as Cornfield Bud , and was brought to Ky in the mid-late 80s. New Haven, is in Nelson County Kentucky. Same place as the Abby of Gethsemani, where Thomas Merton lived. It originally came from Holland, and was further acclimated to Ky, after many breedings. According to "ndnguy"
Wonder what it is then genetically (killer new haven) if its Dutch in origin nice to get some info there isnt much out there on the kentucky stuff online in my experience anyway
Wonder what it is then genetically (killer new haven) if its Dutch in origin nice to get some info there isnt much out there on the kentucky stuff online in my experience anyway

Yeah, most everything I found on it says genetics are unknown.
Some say its a cross of this. But this is only speculation.

Afghani/Haze/Iranian Indica.

Heres what ndnguy said. This was in 2008, on ICMag.

Cornfield Bud a.k.a New Haven Bud
Type Indica/Sativa
Origin Holland
Description Indica/Sat cross developed in Holland and brought to the hills and hollers of the Bluegrass some 20 odd years ago. Crossed and backcrossed since then it has become aclimated to this region.
Specifications Finishes early to mid Sept.

Outdoor strain.

5'-7' bush

8-16 oz typical

Skunky/pine smell
Comments Tried growing indoors and expereinced hermies. Better to be grown outdoors as very few hermies have ever been seen.

Devastating high. Folks have smoked this bud every day for years and haven't developed "burn out".

Made many a family live high on the hog for years.
Yeah, most everything I found on it says genetics are unknown.
Some say its a cross of this. But this is only speculation.

Afghani/Haze/Iranian Indica.

Heres what ndnguy said. This was in 2008, on ICMag.

Cornfield Bud a.k.a New Haven Bud
Type Indica/Sativa
Origin Holland
Description Indica/Sat cross developed in Holland and brought to the hills and hollers of the Bluegrass some 20 odd years ago. Crossed and backcrossed since then it has become aclimated to this region.
Specifications Finishes early to mid Sept.

Outdoor strain.

5'-7' bush

8-16 oz typical

Skunky/pine smell
Comments Tried growing indoors and expereinced hermies. Better to be grown outdoors as very few hermies have ever been seen.

Devastating high. Folks have smoked this bud every day for years and haven't developed "burn out".

Made many a family live high on the hog for years.
Sounds like its a semi auto thats why it hermies indoors more many of them do it as there selected and bred under outdoor light only pretty much alot of the old dutch and nordic outdoor lines like this for example nepalese highland/baglung nepali or lots of the hybrids from hell gear for example they all usually sell it with a warning stating natural light only or it might herm and this its just a really photo sensitive strain rather than true auto (day neutral)
I sourced a new Texas Shoreline cut from the Houston area. It has been very tightly held for a long time and this might the first time this one has been out of the state. I posted a couple of pics in the Shoreline thread:

I'm hoping it's really it.
Whoever shared my loud-skunk thread from overgrow. Thanks...that's dope!

I really appreciate everything everyone has shared here. Thank God a month later I'm done reading it all (my wife was on the verge of divorcing me) lol

This summer has been really fruitful....after a 2 year break from rks breeding and hunting

The first time I ever got high was a warm spring in 1992...it was the year Dr dre dropped the chronic album, lunch break at Jefferson junior high school in winnipeg Manitoba

All or most my friends were quite older and my friend Scott said - "I have a joint of skunk weed....let's smoke it". So in the back lane next to mom's perogy factory I smoked the whole thing with him...(I had tried afghani gold seal hash 2 x prior and didn't really feel much) and man oh man rks changed my life.

We got up off the grass patch that was at a 45 degree angle to a garage and decided to walk to good morning corner store for a drink to deal with the pasties. After a few steps the skunk coursed thru me and changed my life forever....she spoke to me....saying I would help one day to be a part of cannabis legalization....that in this life pot was a part of my destiny....and I had a moment of enlightenment where I could feel every human being all at once. The whole world at large....it was at that moment I realized most of everything I was ever taught was a lie....esp with pot and "drugs" and prohibition to name a topic relevant to this site.

Skunk weed forever changed me from then on out.

We saw more then a few types: dark and leafy but big, smaller medium green....but we got 4 main phenos....the raspberry bud sized, the donkey dick (rks) neon green shit, the golf ball pheno, and one fatter in between the big bud (donkey) and the gold ball.

From 1992 to 1996 (the only time we got immature seeds the size and shape of mung beans or peas!) it's 90% of what we scored. It was mainly bikers and their closest friends, first nations, Italians and organizations importing it to the province. There was alot of it locally and from bc.

I have a ton more data and theories but want to keep my first post short and insightful...no one will find any skunk weed in any retail branded seeds with the name skunk in it.

Since 1992 I started growing at 12 years old and nothing ever came out like the rks So in 31 years I've been at it off and on on the hunt.

P.s. here is a 70s acapulco gold X pre soviet hashplant. And it is stellar...ammonia, burnt rubber, sulphur and a touch of sour rotten citrus

Whoever shared my loud-skunk thread from overgrow. Thanks...that's dope!

I really appreciate everything everyone has shared here. Thank God a month later I'm done reading it all (my wife was on the verge of divorcing me) lol

This summer has been really fruitful....after a 2 year break from rks breeding and hunting

The first time I ever got high was a warm spring in 1992...it was the year Dr dre dropped the chronic album, lunch break at Jefferson junior high school in winnipeg Manitoba

All or most my friends were quite older and my friend Scott said - "I have a joint of skunk weed....let's smoke it". So in the back lane next to mom's perogy factory I smoked the whole thing with him...(I had tried afghani gold seal hash 2 x prior and didn't really feel much) and man oh man rks changed my life.

We got up off the grass patch that was at a 45 degree angle to a garage and decided to walk to good morning corner store for a drink to deal with the pasties. After a few steps the skunk coursed thru me and changed my life forever....she spoke to me....saying I would help one day to be a part of cannabis legalization....that in this life pot was a part of my destiny....and I had a moment of enlightenment where I could feel every human being all at once. The whole world at large....it was at that moment I realized most of everything I was ever taught was a lie....esp with pot and "drugs" and prohibition to name a topic relevant to this site.

Skunk weed forever changed me from then on out.

We saw more then a few types: dark and leafy but big, smaller medium green....but we got 4 main phenos....the raspberry bud sized, the donkey dick (rks) neon green shit, the golf ball pheno, and one fatter in between the big bud (donkey) and the gold ball.

From 1992 to 1996 (the only time we got immature seeds the size and shape of mung beans or peas!) it's 90% of what we scored. It was mainly bikers and their closest friends, first nations, Italians and organizations importing it to the province. There was alot of it locally and from bc.

I have a ton more data and theories but want to keep my first post short and insightful...no one will find any skunk weed in any retail branded seeds with the name skunk in it.

Since 1992 I started growing at 12 years old and nothing ever came out like the rks So in 31 years I've been at it off and on on the hunt.

P.s. here is a 70s acapulco gold X pre soviet hashplant. And it is stellar...ammonia, burnt rubber, sulphur and a touch of sour rotten citrus

View attachment 5339876
Well i always suspected in reality its a mexi ghani cross if not straight ghani cos i mean it will explain also why real cali o still has a bit of that skunky note even if modern day skunk#1s dont the only difference between the two is thai they got the same acapulco gold x mazari Sharif in there lineages and skunk has lumbo gold instead of thai thats the only difference there do you have any experience with skunk#2/redhairskunk/skunk special some of those still have some phenos that are pissy rather than rks ?
Well i always suspected in reality its a mexi ghani cross if not straight ghani cos i mean it will explain also why real cali o still has a bit of that skunky note even if modern day skunk#1s dont the only difference between the two is thai they got the same acapulco gold x mazari Sharif in there lineages and skunk has lumbo gold instead of thai thats the only difference there do you have any experience with skunk#2/redhairskunk/skunk special some of those still have some phenos that are pissy rather than rks ?

I think a special loud terp happens with mex and mazar

One of My theory was rks weed was actually created by the sinaloans at the billion dollar Buffalo ranch. The first commercial sensi

What doesn't have any real loud skunk:
Skunk #1
Super skunk
Shiva skunk
Sensi skunk
Lemon skunk (some phenos can be similar hidden in the bottom end tho)

For me shoreline is just r2. Still alive and well in canada. And her parent nl2 which I have grown and bred extensively. She is very very loud. But more sweet/puke/bile

Original Green crack has a skunky tune but has to much fruit. And weak plant after all these years. But could have been skunk weed in its heyday.

Good call on skunk special. Maybe I made a blanket statement as kc brains would know what loud skunk is. It's on my list recently actually to test grow

I think a special loud terp happens with mex and mazar

One of My theory was rks weed was actually created by the sinaloans at the billion dollar Buffalo ranch. The first commercial sensi

What doesn't have any real loud skunk:
Skunk #1
Super skunk
Shiva skunk
Sensi skunk
Lemon skunk (some phenos can be similar hidden in the bottom end tho)

For me shoreline is just r2. Still alive and well in canada. And her parent nl2 which I have grown and bred extensively. She is very very loud. But more sweet/puke/bile

Original Green crack has a skunky tune but has to much fruit. And weak plant after all these years. But could have been skunk weed in its heyday.

Good call on skunk special. Maybe I made a blanket statement as kc brains would know what loud skunk is. It's on my list recently actually to test grow


It's diluted in most hybrid strains basically?
I think a special loud terp happens with mex and mazar

One of My theory was rks weed was actually created by the sinaloans at the billion dollar Buffalo ranch. The first commercial sensi

What doesn't have any real loud skunk:
Skunk #1
Super skunk
Shiva skunk
Sensi skunk
Lemon skunk (some phenos can be similar hidden in the bottom end tho)

For me shoreline is just r2. Still alive and well in canada. And her parent nl2 which I have grown and bred extensively. She is very very loud. But more sweet/puke/bile

Original Green crack has a skunky tune but has to much fruit. And weak plant after all these years. But could have been skunk weed in its heyday.

Good call on skunk special. Maybe I made a blanket statement as kc brains would know what loud skunk is. It's on my list recently actually to test grow

The skunk#2 and skunk special and ice are ferrys strains man the guy used to work for posi and nirvana back in the day before starting female seeds the kc brains one you thinking of is cali special cali o x skunk#1 that does have it in some phenos a bit too tho yeah just not as loud as u want.
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