Old School Skunk, who's found it???

If you check the Cat Piss episode of James Loud, you would see Old School Chronic say he found skunk in Blueskies Vienna’s pheno hunter pack. Not road kill but old school. Ig folks reporting everything from road kill to fruity Durian terps.
Well getting the closest old mass supper skunk or something close to the old sour diesel would be s1 giesel. Heard alot of sour and chem heads say giesel is better then sour d in there opinion, and chem d is the best chem and is closest to the dogbud from what pbud mike says. Figured csi would offer giesel s1 by now. Thankfully i got a cut of her so i can s1 her myself one day and run a shit load would be very interesting to see the progeny for myself.

Finding the nastiest pheno in giesel s1 and crossing it to a nasty afghani pheno from balkh region would be interesting aswell

I recently bought a pack of Socks (Geisel x Birthday Cake) from Cannarado hoping that I would get some serious funk, but they all ended up leaning hard into the Birthday Cake and smelling quite pleasant. I was bummed. ha.

Not sure why such a reputable breeder would post such a pic on their page of arguably the most sought-after strain in the world

From the dscription:

"Legendary for its stability, consistency and high myrcene levels, this is the truly authentic Skunk No.1."

>legendary for its stability

Have a close look at the first picture and tell me what you notice.

Yeah, nanners all over that. Could be environmental though...

Not sure why such a reputable breeder would post such a pic on their page of arguably the most sought-after strain in the world

From the dscription:

"Legendary for its stability, consistency and high myrcene levels, this is the truly authentic Skunk No.1."

>legendary for its stability

Have a close look at the first picture and tell me what you notice.
I see what could be nanners in the upper left, but I'm seeing faded pin leaves and fresh calyxes that could be seen as nanners.
As far as his statement on stability goes, he may be referring to the fact that Skunk #1 is most likely the first IBL of modern cannabis.
When you cross SK1 to SK1 you end up with very homogenous SK1 plants.
I see what could be nanners in the upper left, but I'm seeing faded pin leaves and fresh calyxes that could be seen as nanners.
As far as his statement on stability goes, he may be referring to the fact that Skunk #1 is most likely the first IBL of modern cannabis.
When you cross SK1 to SK1 you end up with very homogenous SK1 plants.
Look again, tons of nanners all over the place. Very homogenous they may be, but in this particular photo of theirs the plant has a frightening amount of nanners. $100 US for a pack of 11 seeds? eek.
I recently bought a pack of Socks (Geisel x Birthday Cake) from Cannarado hoping that I would get some serious funk, but they all ended up leaning hard into the Birthday Cake and smelling quite pleasant. I was bummed. ha.
Giesel actually isn't nasty smelling at all. More of a mildly sweet earthy profile. It's much closer to wedding cake than chem or skunk to the nose.
Giesel actually isn't nasty smelling at all. More of a mildly sweet earthy profile. It's much closer to wedding cake than chem or skunk to the nose.
To be honest I have never heard to griesel. I figured the name “Socks” would reflex the smell, and the griesel would be the cause.
To be honest I have never heard to griesel. I figured the name “Socks” would reflex the smell, and the griesel would be the cause.

Giesel is supposed to be a seed found in SKVA's Mass Super Skunk. It was thought to be fathered by Chem D stray hermie pollen, but there is no trace of D in Giesel or her S1 progeny. No one has found RKS in the progeny either, and since SKVA says his MSS cut was straight skunk spray terps, I suspect it wasn't even the mother.
I agree completely...thing is, I find myself arguing with kids that weren't even fukin' well born yet when I was smoking the true vintage dead skunk bud. They say it is, but it barely has a skunk smell, and if it does, it's only temporary. The skunl bud I recall you couldn't hide the smell of it...it permeated anything. The kids are trying to convince me that bud is way way better than it was in the '60's, '70's, '80's & '90's. Um, WRONG...besides, how the fuck do you know, where you there? Well I was. Kids these days eh?

It was still around early 2000s, I got a half oz that I put in a cooler in the bed of my truck and the cab still reeked like I ran over a skunk. You could not hide it. Only found it once and haven't seen it sense. Weird part is it was sold to me as White Widow but smelled just like a dead skunk.

I think the gene pool is watered down now, I don't find modern crosses to be any stronger or have better terpene profiles than the classic strains I was smoking in the 90s and early 2000s and the classic smells and flavors are hard to find.

I've lost track of how many new Bubba Kush crosses I've grown out and have never found anything as strong or flavorful as Katsu cut. Or any Cheese crosses that can compete with the Cheese cut I used to have.
Would you bet a 100 on it? What is to say that this $100 herm is any better than the 30 euro Skunk #1 from Nirvana?

They came from Mel Frank via Skunkman Sam.

And Todd is a great advocate for this plant.

You can buy just 5 for $50 also. I guess one never knows? The picture may have just been a fluke, grower error, etc. The other two pictures at agseedco look reasonable. It's just that bud shot that is questionable.

I think there are probably worse seeds out there. Plenty of other things more important to worry about than this.
They came from Mel Frank via Skunkman Sam.

And Todd is a great advocate for this plant.

You can buy just 5 for $50 also. I guess one never knows? The picture may have just been a fluke, grower error, etc. The other two pictures at agseedco look reasonable. It's just that bud shot that is questionable.

I think there are probably worse seeds out there. Plenty of other things more important to worry about than this.
All Skunk #1 came from Skunkman Sam, of course Todd McCormick would advocate his own brand before any others. But why buy 5 herm seeds for 50 usd when you can buy 5 fems from Nirvana for 30 euro? Makes no sense. And I doubt Skunk #1 from Nirvana, Mr. Nice or Khalifa would be any worse than those herms. It is a sweet skunk regardless.
GOOD LUCK on the orig. SK1 thing, needle in a haystack search, w/all crossbreeding poly-hybridizing going on then again from the glass half full side of things thank God the days of the bogus brick weed or ammonia weed that's all that's around days are over.ccguns