Oklahoma Med Grow Job question.


Well-Known Member
I am looking for General pay and any info from any Grow Masters currently running in OK. I will be moving out from SC to OK to run a Med grow, Commercial. Does anyone have any info for me on what pay usually runs for a upcoming (being built) grow. I will be running everything, with a helper. Cutting clones, running the hydro system, ventilation, all bigger day to day stuff. I am leaving a solid job in SC fixing Looms. Taking a slight immediat pay cut, but will likely be back at current pay in about 1 year. I have an offer of 19 in the door, 20 after 6 months, yearly raises. i make 21 now, crawling under machines, turning wrenches, getting oil and grease on my clothes. Is this offer fair? I have ran a couple local grows, my grow was a rolling grow, soil. Cut clones, veg, cut more clones, move big clones into flower, repeat. This hydro set up will be ALL NEW to me. Cheers to any OK folks.

Sounds like you'd be doing the same amount of physical work. Im just putting this out there tho.... OK is super saturated. We see grows shutting down all the time due to the unlimited cap of Growers, Dispos, Processors,... its the Wild West out here. Prices are tough, and getting tougher. Don't want to rain on your dreams, but it's entirely possible that you could come here and work for 6 months, or a year, only to find your grow folding. ... Think long and hard about a plan B.
Was senior supervising Growmaster at a Colorado facility for a couple years, made good money starting pay was 180,000 year. Supervising 32 employees was a more than full time job left for Illinois where I managed a medical commercial grow facility made a lil more money but the politics was unbelievable. Grow practices were sub par and the crap they tried pushing sucked. It’s all about the money and not the quality. Butted heads more than once took my money got a lawyer and applied for craft grow license which I’m still waiting for. If you can allow folks who know nothing about growing telling you what to do then you’ll be fine. Me no damn way I’ve got to much passion and respect for that bull. Good luck!
Yeah from what I saw in Southern California and Nevada it’s gonna be about who’s got the deepest pockets.

initially there were tons of operations running but then prices plummeted to like 20% of what they started out as. At that point it came down to who had the cash to survive and also run massive grows to balance out the low price with high turnover.
craft grow license which I’m still waiting for. If you can allow folks who know nothing about growing telling you what to do then you’ll be fine. Me no damn way I’ve got to much passion and respect for that bull. Good luck!
What exactly is a craft grow license?
Thanks for the replys, i had actually forgot I posted this. just a little background. This guy has a Sewing machine business that he has made his money on, He already had one grow. He was married, got divorced, his ex got the grow and he kept his sewing machine business. So he is building another. We have talked in person, about his methonds and mine, and our view on quality. The man wants to grow top quality, he has made that clear, and i am with him on that. I actually have a call scheduled with him tomorrow to discuss how things are going. I guess i can let you guys know how it goes. Honestly if SC would get their shit together here, i would just stay. We will be one of if not the last states to even get med.
Thanks for the replys, i had actually forgot I posted this. just a little background. This guy has a Sewing machine business that he has made his money on, He already had one grow. He was married, got divorced, his ex got the grow and he kept his sewing machine business. So he is building another. We have talked in person, about his methonds and mine, and our view on quality. The man wants to grow top quality, he has made that clear, and i am with him on that. I actually have a call scheduled with him tomorrow to discuss how things are going. I guess i can let you guys know how it goes. Honestly if SC would get their shit together here, i would just stay. We will be one of if not the last states to even get med.
I've always wanted a haberdashery / hasherdabbery. You go in and get all dapper in a pimp suit, then go over to the other side and take some high end dabs. After that you hit the streets feeling like a million bucks. You have all of the components to live my dream.
The micro license thing sounds awesome. To be able to grow and just have a little bar set up by it to sell it.

at least you’re not in Idaho, I just saw something about how every state bordering them has legal weed while they’re pushing to make it more illegal. Meanwhile something like 70% of sales in neighboring states are to cars with Idaho plates.
Last month they sold 72 million in weed 21 million was from surrounding states. Your right Idaho needs to step up and play ball. When I was in Amsterdam for a couple years I managed a cannabis cafe that was owned by a buddy of mine. I fell in love with the place I knew then that’s what I wanted to do at some point in my life.
This is the latest report from OMMA.... Those millions of dollars gained by the State are TAX dollars only, and does not reflect sales numbers.... also attached are the current number of lic businesses. The SQ788 is taxed at 7%, the rest is State Taxes collected at about 8.5%.Screen Shot 2021-08-07 at 1.47.01 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-08-07 at 1.47.22 PM.png
It’s dang crazy The Who gives a shit attitude about the quality of products that’s being mass produced and the process used to get the crap on the streets as quickly as possible.
I’ve been down that road they actually thought I’d give up my principals and reputation to run things their way. I won’t smoke it why should I expect anyone else to. I’m thankful for the legalization don’t get me wrong but it was legalized for one true reason Money! Okay
This subject ruffles my feathers lol.
Mine too. We work hard to make a quality product, but oddly enough, it's easier to move lower, larfy "C" bud that Dispos can sell for $50 oz's than our top quality bud. They really messed this law up by 1. Allowing 25% OUT OF STATE Ownership, and 2. Not limiting the number of licenses. It's frustrating to approach a Dispo with quality, and they just don't want to pay what it's worth. They all try to low ball ya because there's 4 other Dispos that you can throw a rock and hit from just about every corner. It's gonna have to self level itself sooner or later. Gonna be a matter of who can survive the longest and not go bankrupt.
Amen Brother! You said it all, and your probably right one day all this crap will fix itself. Folks really believe that shits good and healthy for them. Every time I pass those Dispos I shake my head and think brainwashed f***s.
I've always wanted a haberdashery / hasherdabbery. You go in and get all dapper in a pimp suit, then go over to the other side and take some high end dabs. After that you hit the streets feeling like a million bucks. You have all of the components to live my dream.
Nice word play
It's going to HAVE to self correct. We have a town of 22,000 population, and 20 Dispos. That's like having 20 McDonald's in a town of 22K .... and some of them don't even like McDonalds. You'll see grows and Dispos closing up in the next year or so.... we're already seeing it.
I am looking for General pay and any info from any Grow Masters currently running in OK. I will be moving out from SC to OK to run a Med grow, Commercial. Does anyone have any info for me on what pay usually runs for a upcoming (being built) grow. I will be running everything, with a helper. Cutting clones, running the hydro system, ventilation, all bigger day to day stuff. I am leaving a solid job in SC fixing Looms. Taking a slight immediat pay cut, but will likely be back at current pay in about 1 year. I have an offer of 19 in the door, 20 after 6 months, yearly raises. i make 21 now, crawling under machines, turning wrenches, getting oil and grease on my clothes. Is this offer fair? I have ran a couple local grows, my grow was a rolling grow, soil. Cut clones, veg, cut more clones, move big clones into flower, repeat. This hydro set up will be ALL NEW to me. Cheers to any OK folks.

One I wouldn’t hire you just because of the master grower thing. You tell me your a master I’ll tell you to get fucked just the honest truth. Second how long have you been growing. What technology have you used? for example trolmaster, titan, anden, quest as a head grower you’ll be responsible for upgrades and keeping gear functional As well as day to day shit. how many mediums have you grown in? How many different lines of nutrients have you used. Avg pay for a head grower in the south is generally based on the amount of rooms in your care and the total scope of your experience. pay is generally salary as well and should include some sort of profit sharing on the bud pulled from the rooms. Have any shots of the grows rooms you’ve personally attended to and managed? Not one where you were sent in to defoliate and what not. But one where you were in charge of the day to day shit in the rooms.
Lol one dispensary for every 1000 people.

You gotta be somewhere near a border of a non recreational state or something.

I just know about ten years ago a buddy was selling to dispensaries for around 2200 a pound and within like two years the going rate was 700. That’s when the little guys either quit, get absorbed by a big operation or have to crew up together.

I think a big issue also is that the average quality of bud has gotten so high that given the opportunity to pay 50 an ounce for “low grade” they’ll be all over it. It’s not like it’s brick weed, it’s still probably better than stuff off the street that was 250 an ounce in 2005.

Lately I’ve been noticing more and more people who aren’t into purely bud with brutal thc percentage. I actually quit smoking a couple years after the la medical boom because I was suddenly getting really bad anxiety and paranoia. Didn’t even realize it was from the high thc low everything else stuff people were focusing on.

As people learn more about mixing cannabinoids and terpenes I think there’ll be a much bigger market for the craft grow stuff. It’ll be such a wide range that there should be plenty of room for specialist type breeders.