Oklahoma Grow Law- Commercial Operation


Well-Known Member
Do we have anyone on the forums who has gone through becoming a commercial grower in Oklahoma?
I've got investors/want to get into the biz- I've found property that the county (rural land) has tentatively pre-approved/is within the local guidance.

I would love feedback on what the reporting process is/associated costs.
I've got the official guidelines but there are always hidden costs with these sort of things. I've heard estimates from growers of 1-400/lb in costs. Also depending on local guidance that can change (Tulsa for instance requires lab tests on all weed prior to sale)
Let me know if you start up. I might come work for you for free. I don't do physical work, but I can fill out forms and shuffle paper with the best of them. I am experienced.
Do we have anyone on the forums who has gone through becoming a commercial grower in Oklahoma?
I've got investors/want to get into the biz- I've found property that the county (rural land) has tentatively pre-approved/is within the local guidance.

I would love feedback on what the reporting process is/associated costs.
following. im working for a grow right now as the lead grower and im wanting more info on what i can dot and what i nee to know