Okay guyz, i'm a noobie and need help!


New Member
Aight check it, i'm a sophmore in high school. Tryna find a way to make money you know, so i think startin to plant is a try. I'm not sayin ima big baller and plant all this i know it's gonna take time thats why i need sum help! Aight so i germintized to seeds for 2 dayz and am goin to give it another day cuz some of them arent quite there yet. Okay i only have like 6 seeds is that good enough? and i want to put it outdoors for security reasons. okay my questions..how much do i water it for? what size pot, container? do i alwayz leave it out? put it in the shade i'd really appreciate ya'll for helping thanks...


You're gonna wind up in prison thinking that way. If you're going to grow to make money and stay out of jail you need to be a pro. You are not a pro. Add that up.


Well-Known Member
well if your a sophmore your 16 never disrespect your parents and grow pot. depending on the state your parents can go to prison for your dumb mistake. the other thing is if your serious about growing do your homework and research what it takes. there are many readings out there. but do everyone a favor wait till ya move out your mamas house and grow in your own house. that way your responsible. the three L's in growing: no tell, no smell, no sell. if you live by that you will have better chances of successfully growing for years to come


Elite Rolling Society
You need to edit your post. If a MOD sees it, you are out of here. No one under age 18 allowed.


check this ima help u out go get some potting soil and some 1 to 1.5 gallon buckets fill them up. n bro if ur wanna make money u need more seeds becasuse the chance of those seeds sprouting is gonna a ok ratio, then u got to worry bout how many r gonna be male but that can be an ok ratio 2 so ur lookin at like 3 to the end. but thats good enough to start and learn off of. water them in veg stage every time the top gets a crust, i do hydro so im goin off of ol skool way. then wait for the time to change n u got buds. just holla at me if u need more info!


Well-Known Member
He is going to get banned, just give it time. Having young kids on the site could get it shut down which is something that I sure do not want


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Let's play a game of logic. I am going to make one of two assumptions, and then I'm going to back them up with the logic that I used to make them.

1. You are not intelligent enough to succeed as a pot grower.
2. You are underage and therefore should not be on this site.

Now, let's just delve into the reasons why I know these things to be true.

First of all, you seem to be thinking that growing marijuana is an easy way to make some cash, cash which you most likely will spend on stupid crap or more marijuana. However, you clearly underestimate the costs involved in growing marijuana, even outside. As you are gorwing outside, you won't need to invest in lights, cooling, etc. However, if you "need to grow outside for security reasons," its a pretty logical guess to assume that you still live with your parents. If this is the case, where will you dry your crop? Where will you store it? If you grow 6 plants outside and aren't completely braindead, I'm going to assume you'll end up with at somewhere between 5 and 10 ounces, and from what I've seen, this is a low estimate. Are you going to be able to move that much product? If you do live with your parents, are you going to be able to hide that much weed? Hiding a quarter in your boxspring is one thing, hiding a half pound is entirely another. Are you comfortable with the legal risks you're about to undertake? I have no idea what the laws are where you live, but where I am, possession of over 100 grams (a little under 4 oz) becomes a pretty serious offense. That's just possession too - if you're going to be selling, you're in entirely new, much more dangerous, legal territory. Are you planning on selling to friends at school? Do you have ways around security? Around random drug checks and dogs? You do understand that selling within (can't remember the distance, think its 100 yards) of a school is, again, another step up in the illegality of what you're doing? What if your weed sucks? If you grow a bunch of brickweed, you're either going to have to sell extremely cheap or smoke a loooot of brickweed.

Honestly dude, I'm really not trying to discourage you from growing, provided that you are of age and understand what exactly you're getting yourself into, but it seems as though you'd almost HAVE to be underage if you're still a sophomore.

If you somehow are a legal adult, just read my post a few times, and understand that a LOT more planning has to go into this kind of thing than the amount you've apparently done. And unless you live in a state with very lenient marijuana laws, you're going to set yourself up for a whole lot of fines/ jail time if you're not extraordinarily careful. Which you clearly aren't so far.

tl;dr: You're probably underage, if so GTFO, if not, you really, really, REALLY, need to think and plan a LOT more before you try to take this kind of thing on. And DEFINITELY research the marijuana laws in your area, the best way to do this in my experience is to find the website for the NORML chapter in your state, they'll usually have a very clear explanation of the laws you need to know.



Well-Known Member
i have NEVER met an 18 high school sophomore. :fire:
I have. An 18 yo sophmore is probably not bright enough to grow, much less sell anything worth buying and not get caught. Dude. Instead of doing homework on growing and selling weed, apply it to your education. Once you graduate and are of legal age, you'll be able to make an easier living with a legal job. After that, do your research on how to grow and just focus on a personal stash grow. Chances are more than likely that you are going to get popped if you try this without knowing what in the hell you're doing. Once you're caught, you're fucked!!! Focus on getting an education. You will not like serving time ANYWHERE. I promise.