OK what's the answer?


New Member
It seems everyone has a bitch about the current and past governments of this and other countries, But no solutions. So, what are some solutions? What can "we the people do"? Outside of all out insurgency, and even including that, what are your solutions? Remember, anyone can bitch. My first order of business would be to quit this partisan bullshit and get organized, I know, the hardest part, And no, I don't know how to accomplish this.


New Member
put term limits on these senators and stop all the lobbiests.... its all crooked if ya ask me. Also lower the retirement age to 55 then that will increase jobs by people retiring younger .


New Member
put term limits on these senators and stop all the lobbiests.... its all crooked if ya ask me. Also lower the retirement age to 55 then that will increase jobs by people retiring younger .
Yes, one step at a time, remove the sinister players, good. I believe the removal of lobbiests is the most crucial element of change to our government.


Well-Known Member
It seems everyone has a bitch about the current and past governments of this and other countries, But no solutions. So, what are some solutions? What can "we the people do"? Outside of all out insurgency, and even including that, what are your solutions? Remember, anyone can bitch. My first order of business would be to quit this partisan bullshit and get organized, I know, the hardest part, And no, I don't know how to accomplish this.

finally a thread worthy of a real answer. :clap:

i had a vasectomy.

get rid of congress and the senate and all politicians. revert the power of state back to the state. Less government and more freedom for business (mainly small business). Entrepreneurs make up 80% of the businesses today. Reward them for their hard work and reward them for creating jobs. Give us the freedom to run our own lives. Noone knows whats best for me except me. and legalize cannabis and tax it, that will cover 8 trillion in a few years.


Well-Known Member
Yes, one step at a time, remove the sinister players, good. I believe the removal of lobbiests is the most crucial element of change to our government.
I say to elect a more diverse group of very well educated people. That way if they don't understand from prior knowledge they would be able to listen and learn from the people that do.

Right now it is the blind leading the blind, and all actual science gets pushed to the back of the class.


Well-Known Member
as long as politics are involved it will NEVER change.

i was serious with my first answer. humans are the problem. period. what will the world population be in 100 years?

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I have to admit Med, this is a great positive thread.

We need to drop all the politics, religion and race stuff first. Labeling people leads to demonizing them. Once people can see that we're all in this together, they might think about each other differently.


Well-Known Member
I think a law should be passed making lobbying illegal. We vote our congress folks into office and then they legislate according to the lobbyist alliances they have established whilst in office. A government by the capitalists, of the capitalists and for the capitalists.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I think a law should be passed making lobbying illegal. We vote our congress folks into office and then they legislate according to the lobbyist alliances they have established whilst in office. A government by the capitalists, of the capitalists and for the capitalists.
Quoted for truth bongsmilie

Cap K

Well-Known Member
It seems everyone has a bitch about the current and past governments of this and other countries, But no solutions. So, what are some solutions? What can "we the people do"? Outside of all out insurgency, and even including that, what are your solutions? Remember, anyone can bitch. My first order of business would be to quit this partisan bullshit and get organized, I know, the hardest part, And no, I don't know how to accomplish this.

I'd say this is a good way to start getting organized.

Please join Congressman Ron Paul at the Florida Liberty Summit on August 7-9. Congressman Paul will be speaking Friday evening, August 7 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL, next to the Orange County Convention Center. This will be an evening you won't want to miss.
Now what can be better than a Friday night Liberty Celebration with Dr. Paul? How about a Friday night Liberty Celebration that is free and open to the public? Yes, that's right! Friday evening will be free and open to the public. Bring your family, friends, and fellow liberty-minded activists. And maybe even a non-believer or two. This will be a great fun-filled evening.
Our Friday night speakers will include:

Congressman Ron Paul, Honorary Chairman of Campaign for Liberty.

Tom Woods, best-selling author, historian, and Senior Fellow at the Ludwig Von Mises Institute.

John Tate, President Campaign for Liberty.

On Saturday and Sunday Florida Campaign for Liberty members will gather at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL, to network, learn, and build their local organizations as our grassroots Revolution to reclaim our Republic and restore our Constitution continues.
We will learn about history and current events from a freedom perspective you won't hear from the mainstream media, and prepare to take back our country with top-notch training from seasoned experts.
The Florida Liberty Summit Conference will:
Strengthen your understanding of history and foundational principles necessary to maintain liberty.
Teach you how to persuasively communicate our movement's mission and message.
Train you in how to recruit, equip, and mobilize an army of informed citizens and build the organizational structure necessary to win.
Help you master the political process on the local, state, and national level.
Go to Florida Liberty Summit for agenda, schedule, hotel, sponsorship, and registration information.

Florida Campaign for Liberty will also host two optional special events.

Prior to the Liberty Celebration on Friday evening is a private sponsor's reception with Dr. Paul and Tom Woods. Saturday night will bring a Liberty Banquet with Tom Woods as the keynote speaker.
Remember the Friday night Liberty Celebration with Congressman Ron Paul is free and open to the public.
Training and Special Event costs are as follows:
Non-Member Conference Rate $139
Dues-Paying Member Conference Rate $99
Student Conference Rate $59
Fri Night Private Sponsor Reception with Ron Paul & Tom Woods $175
Saturday Night Liberty Banquet with Tom Woods $60

Register by August 1 and receive:
Entry into drawing - Four lucky people will win tickets to the Friday night Reception and get a photo opportunity with Ron Paul!
Don't miss out on this training in political philosophy, campaign tactics, and strategies from some of the best veterans in the field. Purchase your tickets today for the Florida Liberty Summit on August 7-9 and get the tools you need to reclaim our Republic and restore our Constitution!
Register now! I'll see you in Orlando!

Mark Cross
Campaign For Liberty
Florida State Coordinator
[email protected]

Cap K

Well-Known Member
By the way I know the event has already passed, but I just wanted to give an example of groups that are organizing and trying to educate people and mobilize them to gradually take our country back.


Well-Known Member
It seems everyone has a bitch about the current and past governments of this and other countries, But no solutions. So, what are some solutions? What can "we the people do"? Outside of all out insurgency, and even including that, what are your solutions? Remember, anyone can bitch. My first order of business would be to quit this partisan bullshit and get organized, I know, the hardest part, And no, I don't know how to accomplish this.
1. Expand the size of the House to 10,034 or Population of United States/30,000 (1 Representative per 30,000 citizens)

I personally think that action alone would cause the lobbyists to lose a lot of influence as where it is possible for them to influence two or three elections in each state monetarily it would be infinitely harder for them to do so with thirty or forty elections in each state, because the return on investment would go down, and their attempts to purchase influence would likely result in them costing the politicans votes instead of gaining politicians votes.

2. Require any state that is benefitting from pork to fund the pork out of their own budget, and for any budget deficits to be balanced by the states (as it is routinely their senators and representatives that are passing the pork.) This would provide an incentive for states to keep a tight rein on the largesse of their senators and representatives as their actions would directly impact the states.

3. Balanced budget Amendment (ties into the above.)

4. Term limits for Senators (but not the members of the newly expanded house as they will be under infinitely more scrutiny if they are held directly accountable by their neighbors. Makes it much harder for them to say they remembered what was in the best interests of their community if their community can point to the fact that the bill the representative voted for cost them jobs, and thus it would ensure a higher turnover of bad politicians in favor of good statesman.)

5. Specifically ban the usage of the fictional power of Executive Orders

6. Audit the Federal Reserve (and if it is truly guilty of manipulating the markets for its own benefit, or that of its members dissolve it.)

7. Require the states to operate within a balanced budget (as they were required to do by having the authority to issue bills of credit stripped out of their hands by the Constitution.)

8. Reduce Government wages so that the average (including benefits) matches that offered by private enterprises.

I think that's a sufficiently major, non-partisan list.


New Member
let's get real- as long as money exists, "lobbying" (or more appropriately phrased, "Bribes")...will still continue.

Outlawing it will just make politicians do it behind closed doors

oh and i say the single most important thing you could do is to stabilize the currency by returning printing powers to congress and keeping watchdogs all over them


Well-Known Member
Stop all the Propaganda and really have open dialogs about the issues.

Make lying by politicians illegal.

If you can't back up your claims with real proof then you can get fined.


Well-Known Member
Impose limits on how many bills they can introduce each year. Or quarter year.

All bills to be considered by the house need to have deadlines actually met and adhered to.

Proof of information and data needs to be established.

Im with northwest on fines and firings without pay on determination from the committee upon their findings.

Develop and adopt legitimate communities of our interested citizens into the voting stream. All votes by the House needs to pass thru citizens hands, then they come back to us to vote if found proper with no prejudice.

All bills need both laws of why, and why not, our changes to our system may work properly.

Dont give me no Max Kiaser bullshit on why we failed.

Limit fed involvement in trade in only 1 sector.


Well-Known Member
Good thread, Med. Welcome back.


Eliminate everything except the U.S. Consititution and start over. Existing U.S. statutes - gone. Existing federal case law - gone. Non-constitutional federal agencies & bureaus - gone.

Henceforth any new law which does not meet the standards in a Constitutional review prior to passage dies a lonely death in the bowels of the Capitol Building.

A Sunset Provision for each new law would be nice, too.