Well-Known Member
No it won't be.... well probably see it within the next year.
It'll probably be his first line of business in his new seat. Stupid fucks, California is no longer the leader in marijuana activism, they just took a huge step backwards. That's what being selfish little pricks gets ya. It's going to blow up big and fast.No it won't be.... well probably see it within the next year.
I was under the impression this would pass. However I like many others probably underestimated the opposition. Not from CA but I'm sure the boobtube was full of ads opposing MJ. You know things like "in studies it was found marijuana was a gate way drug to sanity"? Seriously though I imagine the alcohol industry put a lot of money into opposing the yes vote. The MJ industry certainly wants things status quo. So the casual pot smoker, patient or even stoner had no one on their side. It was a losing battle.
The problem is the rational. It's relatively easy to convince most people who smoke and don't sell MJ for a living to vote yes. That's not a majority. You have to get the yes vote from those who don't even smoke.
The tax dollar arguments are not very logical. Why they probably insult the person you are trying to convince. Many laws have slid in via "medical". There is sympathy there. What is needed is another gate way to reality. That gate ways has always been industrial hemp. I've argued with the stupid people over at norml over this in my own state. They were more concerned with keeping petty marijuana possession charges off a person's record than perhaps creating jobs with a push to put Industrial Hemp on the ballot. I'm not advocating turning every car in to a hemp fueled vehicle but hemp has so many uses that laws need to be changed to make it easier for farmers and others to grow it. In turn the material can be used to create products made in the USA and NOT made out of plastic. That is how you convince voters on the fence to cast a yes in your direction. You don't say "help me have a good time", you say "help create some jobs". Problem in this country is the rich sob's who hire people have decided they're not too anxious to spend. If you wait around for them you'll be dead. The opportunity that was missed is no one advocates industrial hemp. If state laws were passed to allow more people to grow it the voter on the fence might just start to see the benefits. Then they may rethink marijuana.