Ok the paper towel is drying when germinating my seeds!??!????????!?!!?!!!.


Well-Known Member

I was checking on my seeds that are germinating using the paper towel method. When I was checking on them, I noticed the paper towel was drying, Should I get a new paper towel and make it wet and wring it out or should I leave it?.

Also I put the seeds in the paper towel at 5:00AM EST.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Spray water on the original paper towel, cover it where the paper towel don't show outside the cover. If the damp seeds dry, they die. Soaking them in constant warm water prior to placing them on the wet paper towel helps. Try to keep the temp at around 90 degrees, if possible- like the soil outdoors in the Spring. DO NOT let them dry out. Warm your water prior to spraying more water.


Well-Known Member
Ok what if I put water in a cup and put seeds in the paper towel and overlap the paper towel and put the paper towel in water?

Would they drown or die?.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Throw them in a rinsed out cup with warm water, keep out of light in a very warm area for 12 or so hours. Then place a rinsed off paper towel on a plate, place seeds, cover with towel, then cover plate. Place back into warm area, no light, and peek every 6 or so hours. Some take hours, & some takes days. Read the germination articles in the F Q & A's on this site.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
just do this. put the seeds in the paper towel and fold it up a few times so they cant escape. wet the paper towel enough that its soaked through but not dripping and put it in a ziploc bag. then put the bag on top of a warm heat source like your monitor or something. the paper towel will stay wet for a good 36 hours give or take since its sealed up.

it sounded like you were leaving the paper towel out in the open?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
A cup? Ziplock bag dude, it wont dry.

I germ in peat jiffy pots. When handling seeds after cracking in the paper towel method it is easy to damage the taproot.


Well-Known Member
Ok what I am doing is I put the cup with hot water then added cold water so it is warm then I took a sheet of dry paper towel and put it in the cup and the paper towel is at the bottom. I checked it on day 2 and my seeds a germinating I have a so far 5/6 I hope they still germinate.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
It is best to keep them moist and dark but not too wet. Once they are cracked, get them in your medium and under the light. :mrgreen::peace:

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Yea ya touch the root and it will die. Use a tweezer steriled
With my clumsy, blind, hand-shaking ass, I started transplanting paper-tower seeds when the 'shoot' is only 1/4 ' long. Trying to dig 2' long shoots out of paper towel is too much risk. There is chemicals used in paper products... run good water through them on a screen of some sort. Why not cut around the sprouting seed, and plant both partial towel & seed? Oh Yeah!!!


Well-Known Member
okay here is the dirt when germin....wet your paper towel...place seeds on towel...fold towel over wet again till you see a little standing water on the plate next to the paper...then check in 24 hours. if the papertowel is drying out get it wet again...then let the paper dry out for a bit....dont let it get completely dry...but if you do let it dry a little then your tap roots will shoot out of the seed lookin for a water source. = long taps and better chance for survival once they hit soil. :mrgreen: but dont let it get too dry K :blsmoke:


Active Member
To save a lot of hassle...give this method a try...I have had 100% germ success using this advice...Germination


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