OK soil mix for 3 gallon pots?


Active Member
Going to be growing tropical landraces, mostly Mexican ones.

Is this an OK mix? It's what I use in my no-till grow, but I want to run 3 gallon pots, so I can easily move any males I get.

Not sure if running in 3 gallons will make a difference).

Growing outdoors in southern california.

Base Mix (1/1/1)
10 gallons Malibu's Bu's Blend
10 gallons Canadian Sphagnum Peet moss
10 gallons Pumice (or Lava Rock, or Perlite)

Amendments (4 cups = 0.95 Liters) (1 cup = 0.24L)
4 Cups Kelp Meal
4 Cups Crab/Crustacean Meal
4 Cups Malted Barley Powder
2 Cups Gypsum
4-6 Cups Basalt (1.42 Liters)
6-8 Cups Activated Biochar (1.9 Liters)

(I know there's no neem, I left it out on purpose, I try to grow without it. Worked fine on my 30 gallon no-till grows this past year).
Does Malibu blend have worm castings in it? If not I would add that and maybe a ph buffer like some lime. But otherwise looks good to me!

Malibu blend is 100% cow poo from what I understand... but it doesn't say on their website, so I'm not sure.

I do have my own worm castings I've been harvesting... how much you think I should throw in, given my ratios?

Also, how much lime you'd say? 1/2 cup per cuF?
Malibu blend is 100% cow poo from what I understand... but it doesn't say on their website, so I'm not sure.

I do have my own worm castings I've been harvesting... how much you think I should throw in, given my ratios?

Also, how much lime you'd say? 1/2 cup per cuF?

Get the compost wet and play around with it for a bit. Is it light and fluffy, or does it clump? If it clumps, add extra aeration/drainage in the form of perlite/pumice/etc.

As for your own worm castings, same as above. Is it light and fluffy, or does it clump?

As for the lime, follow the instructions on the bag. Its typically 1/2c per cuft.