OK, so im an idiot......


Active Member
Any one else got any input on my grow room??

Just for a bit of extra info, the ph of my tap water is 8.0, when i added some nutes (small amount in a cup full of water) the ph stabilised at 5.7 - from what i have read on here, for a hydro system thats pretty damn near perfect (or am i wrong in a big way?!?!)


Active Member
Im back again! - this time with a couple more pics, and again, a couple more questions!

First - here is pretty much the only seedling which i havnt COMPLETELY fucked up YET

And here "she" (i hope!) is next to a lighter, just so you can get an idea of size

She has grown to that in 5 days - still not sure if thats good or not, but im sure as hell happy with it, its shit loads better than the others!

Right, my questions!

Im running Co2 in my growroom, and my temps are at around 26-28c, can i go warmer seeing as im usin Co2, or is my lonely little plant still a bit young and fragile??

Next, i have PLENTY of ventilation, and air movement in my growroom. Coupled with my heater on a thermostat at 27c (i have to have a heater on - even with my lights on the temp only stabilises at 17-19degrees c) i have a very dry growroom NO humidity at all, i get 25% on a good day. At the moment i am wetting towels as often as i can and hanging them up in the room near my fan, and filling pots with vermiculite, and letting that soak up shitloads of water, then sticking it near my plants. That pushes the humidity up to about 35-40% but only breifly - it starrts coming back down within an hour, and gets to 20% in about 4 hours again.


Please help - i have finally managed to keep 1 seedling alive and not kill it, im not going to give up on her now - not after all we have been through losing all the others! (8)


Active Member
Right, so, i had an idea...

My extract fan has been running constantly. Seeing as im no where near gettin any kind of smell from any plant - it seems a little unnecessary to have it running all that much, suckin out all my moisture. So i put it on a timer 15 minutes on/15 minutes off.

This seems to have improved things a little, im now at a stable 32%, but that is still with my pots of waterlogged vermiculite under the lamps and my wet towels dangling near the fan.

Has anyone got any other ideas - the only thing i can think of now is sticking a tray of water ontop of my heater, but the couple of brain cells that havnt been damaged by all the bud ive smoked are tellin me that aint a good idea :?

Any input on this would be greatly appreciated!



Active Member

this is the only seedling that survived - but she (i hope) is a soldier!

This is my Arjans haze no.3 seedling (feminised)

This is my Trainwreck seedling (feminised)

these are all the little ones i have - the one on the left is a new clone from my largest plant

These are my Cheese clones that i was given a couple of weeks ago (ill explain why they are all different sizes in a bit!)

After i completely destroyed most of my seedlings, i was left with about 5 that were a bit worse for wear - only one of these has survived to this day and has been consistently resiliant to anything that i have done that killed the others - my thinking is, that this one will probably turn out male cus of all the shit i have put it through. It stinks really bad, which i take as a good sign, so regardless of what happens im going to flower it along with the rest, and keep some pollen from it when the time comes to cross it with one of the others - being that good at not dying cannot be a bad thing to have in a strain!

Because i was down to one seedling, i germinated 2 of my feminized seeds from Dr.Chronics seed bank, one arjans haze no.3 and one trainwreck.
Both germinated and sprouted in about 3 days which was great.

After they germinated, i got word of one of my friends getting rid of some plants (his dad found his grow in the loft and basically told him to move out and take everything with him. i managed to get my hands on 4 cuttings from his plants and stuck them straight in my hydro system.

All was going well - i was keeping my PH between 5.5 and 6, i was only using 1/4 strength nutes, and they were all doing fine.
Then i ran out of PH down.
This was not a problem - i decided to visit my local hydro store and purchase a litre of PH down - still not a problem!

I got home, read the instructions on the bottle (add in small amounts untill desired PH is reached!) This was a little unnerving - how much is a small amount?!?!?!

I figured that seeing as 30 drops of my aquatics centre baught ph down was enough to take my 100litre system from 8 to 5.5, half a cap full (about 2 small teaspoons full) of my new stuff would be a small enough amount - hell! i can allways add more!

so i dropped it in, stirred up my res, and left it for an hour to circulate.

When i came back to check my PH, my heart nearly stopped.


I emmediatly emptied my system, filled it back up, added my nutes, and then (this time properly) added my ph down. Ive figured it out now so that in one go i can get it to stabalize at 5.7.

Since then, the 2 plants furthest from the res have been growing great, the 2 closest however do not seem to have enjoyed their little acid bath! they are recovering now and new growth is nice and green and supple.

So there we have it - im still an idiot - and everyone is welcome to poke fun at me for managing to fuck up so much!

Comments on how my plants look (healthy - nearly dead etc) will be much appreciated!

Many thanks in advance!

p.s - can anyone tell me why my trainwreck leaves look a little on the deformed side??


Active Member
ive still got a long way to go before i can comfortably say ive been lucky!

Just throwin this in while im posting - my biggest plant is about a foot tall, and ive got about another 5 feet to play with, whats everyones view on veggin untill i reach 2 feet?

My thinkin is that most plants double, some tripple - if they tripple in size, ill have to tie them down - is that really such a major problem?


Active Member
mayb let it grow for a week or so longer then flower? If not LST isnt hard at all, just be gentle, i did some damage to the stem where the embryonic leaves are, but it recovered untiul i overdosed it on nutes and killed it....


Active Member
can you clarify what LST is for me? ive done a search, but only seem to pull up threads that say they have LST'd - and none say what it actually is! is it similar to topping/fimming?

If the plants only "really" smell when flowering - im guessing these ones are gonna stink!


Active Member
At the moment i have only got the 2 200W CFL's hanging from the ceiling.
I have been reading alot about CFL's, i went with them in the first place because of garden knowm's book, and how well you can obviously grow with CFL's.

I had over estimated them though - after reading more since i started the grow it seems although they are good - you dont get the light penetration you get from HPS.

Because of this, and the fact im not going to get the kind of yeild i was looking for, i have decided to invest in 3 more CFL's.

Im only going to get 125W this time, because of the proximity to the plants as they grow.

Any input on my proposed set up would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks!


Active Member
Maybe a bit of explanation is needed! - although not stoned at the moment, i know it would take me a few minutes to figure that out after a spliff or too!

Its a paint drawing looking down on my grow room :hump:

the new CFL's are drawn like that because im planning on mounting the reflectors flat against the wall to give the whole sides of the plant light.

When i start to flower i will change all but one of the 200W 6400k CFL's to 2700k warm white, cus i know how much they like mixed spectrum :blsmoke:

if any one has any other suggestions on what i should do, maybe mount the new ones from the ceiling aswell, but all at angles facing the plants maybe??

Thanks again!

Oh btw, im running a 4 pot recirculating bubbler system, with Co2