Ok lets see some pics of some real stealth grows


Active Member
OK so we have all seen peoples version
of stealth grows,i am not talking about
big cabinets in the corner saying look at
me. i want to see your false
walls and
hidden doors to your grow room

so post the pics and share your brilliance!!!


Lmao that's the stealthiest cab I've seen in years, just a guess 600w hps?? Lmao

Here's mine
2012-02-13 23.39.53.jpg

Its a single Led vertical grow stealthly concealed in a lamp stand.
Grouse or wat. lol


Active Member
OK so we have all seen peoples version
of stealth grows,i am not talking about
big cabinets in the corner saying look at
me. i want to see your false
walls and
hidden doors to your grow room

so post the pics and share your brilliance!!!
You go first lawdog...


Active Member
yep i am totally a cop you caught me lol nope just tired of people posting pics of what they call stealth grows and there pics show a big bulky cabinet in the corner of there bedroom that's not a stealth grow, a stealth grow should be so hidden that no one can find it except you i know this is difficult for some people especially the ones that don't own there house and cannot do this kind of construction, this includes me i currently rent my house but my spare bedroom is five feet off the ground and i see a perfect Opportunity to build a 5x5 room under the house and build a secret door under the carpet in the closet. Unfortunately I don't own my house and cant do this. But for the ones that do, this gives them a chance to show there excellent craftsmanship and design like secret room behind a bookshelf secret doors ex... so please post pics of your design and bring your brilliance to the table so others can better themselves in stealth grow