Ok I found this other grow website talking complete trash about Rollitup. Look at it.


New Member
why, because you said so? Seriously? He hasn't broken a rule, and it was our members that opened up this can of worms. I here you talk about your right to defend yourself, and no one has ever even threatened you with leo's, so don't act like you wouldn't be doing the same. Only you'd be more of an asshole over it. Anyways, didn't you say you weren't posting in this thread anymore? Yet you keep posting. Looking for attention? Or trying to gain back a shred of respect from everyone that read your clusterfuck of a thread? If you have a problem with him posting, why don't *you* pm rollie.

And whats this 'we' shit, paleface?
get a life. I'll do what I want when I want for my own reasons. If his posts are being deleted by a mod wouldn't that tell you to stop typing in the thread? This kid must be completely dense. Nobody cares, no threads were made about the guy who bumped the thread on their forum in the hidden forum, no PMs were sent to any admins as far as I know. This guy just randomly comes up and complains days after the event. If he has a complaint PM rollitup and he'll deal with it. Bitching about it in a thread isn't going to do shit.
Please give me Rollitups details, So I can contact him Directly.

BTW I apologise nobody is deleting my threads, I had the wrong page open. doh :)


Well-Known Member
I go by a few names over the years.
invcluding , Ferengi, Ferengi420, and recently Farka420.

I was a member here since 2009, and have been a regular reader of these forums. So Im not speaking out of school, I know this is a damn good site. Nobody ever disputed this. What was brought up was threats from management team on this forum, threatening to call the federal police, the tax dept and the police, and then hack the server. WTF you think that shit is ok do ya VG??
Hmm I've never of ya and ive been lurking here since 07 ;)


Well-Known Member
get a life. I'll do what I want when I want for my own reasons. If his posts are being deleted by a mod wouldn't that tell you to stop typing in the thread? This kid must be completely dense. Nobody cares, no threads were made about the guy who bumped the thread on their forum in the hidden forum, no PMs were sent to any admins as far as I know. This guy just randomly comes up and complains days after the event. If he has a complaint PM rollitup and he'll deal with it. Bitching about it in a thread isn't going to do shit.
Get a life? From the kid living with mommy and daddy, planning on financing his grow using welfare money, and living off of a girlfriend as his life goals, and your going to tell me to have a life?!
If you don't care, why are you posting? Uh-huh, bullshit.

As far as "bitching about it in a thread isn't going to do shit" For someone that says that, you sure do alot of bitching. Again, he's broken no rules, so who are you to start making them up?

Again, weren't you done posting in this thread? Oh, but you can bet your ass your going to reply to this, aren't you?


Well-Known Member
Like I said I do what I want when I want. Everybody mods differently, just because you don't agree with my ways doesn't mean it's wrong.

You don't know HALF of my story so just shut the fuck up because you look like a complete faggot, just shut up because if you knew, you'd be embarassed as FUCK
You do what you want, when you want, and so will I. Works both ways. When you get all growed up you'll understand that. Though with your life plans, I doubt that will come up.

ooo...did I touch a sensitive button? Poor baby, go cry to mommy and daddy.


Well-Known Member
I've read this thread, and I've read the thread at PS, and I am ashamed of what cannguru said there, but he is just another member of that forum. What he said was impulsive and immature, but that should not be a reflection of Rollitup, as if we are responsible for any of our members actions. FWIW the empty threats about hacking are annoying, but they are baseless. It's just the rants of someone on the internet. The Mods at PS should just delete the thread and move on, there is no need for anything else.

I am also distressed at how Nusky has reacted in this thread, but just because both he and cannguru are Forum Mods here, what they say does not reflect on the job they do. I will judge that, and leave the responsibility for their other actions to them.

In response to the suggestion that other sites actually compete with Rollitup, that is laughable. We are the big dog on the net, and that is based on our stats. We serve up almost 10 million page views a month, and no other marijuana site on the net comes anywhere close to that.



Well-Known Member
Well, this was fun. I wonder what else is on. Think I'll look for an old movie maybe something spiritual, or a porno... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Eh, all about the numbers. This many people, this many threads, its just like tv, with this many channels, not everythings going to be quality tv. :blsmoke: Fun thing about this tv is on demand goes back for years....


Well-Known Member
eh, all about the numbers. This many people, this many threads, its just like tv, with this many channels, not everythings going to be quality tv. :blsmoke: Fun thing about this tv is on demand goes back for years....
then go watch tv......................


Well-Known Member
threatening someone with the feds aint no fucking joke ever.
Hear hear,threatening to snitch,for whatever the reason is some other kinda bullshit,especially when its in the form of "let me hide over here behind my computer & fuk you over",simply not cool,not cool at all.