ok goes tell a newbie what mistakes im making


New Member
and let me start out by saying i know it hard to say with no pics but im using linux and cant figure out how to get them off my phone.

ok built a rubbermaid box out of two 20 gal totes painted white inside black outside
have 4 - 27 watt cfls on 2-y's adapters running 24/0
two computer fans in top for exhuast and one low one side for intake
btw i havent blocked light from fans yet

got 12 seedlings i started outdoors a few weeks ago and they been in box for almost a week now and later they will go back outdoors

when outdoors i made mistake of overwatering but cut back to 4-5 days now
lower leaves are yellowing and up leaves pale green.
which i guessed to be nitro def. so today i added miracle grow quick start to watering because it is all i had with nitro

their growth appears stunted and new smaller leaves appear deformed

again this is my first attempted and i am on a low low budget
but i have been scoring these forums daily for tips
so please dont tear me a new one lol

Thanks for any help


New Member
one more thing the stems appear more yellow then green and towards top of stem kind of reddish
my lights are a couple inches above plants


Active Member
Put your hand at the plant height and see how the temperature feels, if it is too hot to keep your hand there then that may be your problem. It sounds very likely to be a nitro deficiency though, it will take a few days of feeding to be able to tell though.


New Member
ok put my hand a inch from light and no heat when i changed from 5 volt cell chargers to 12 volt chargers my fans really dropped temp and it is cool in box just stuck thermometer in there to check keep u updated on temp


starting them outdoors on a natural light cycle not to say high lumens and going to some cfls on a 24/0 light cycle will stress them. then adding MG was the water PH, do not use soften water out of sink, outside hoses are not normaly soft water and just about time they snapp out of it your going back out side to new light cycle and more stress


New Member
what if i dont move them outdoors and go to 18/6 light cycle
i will admit i used tap water not left out for 24 hours one mistake i wont make again
do i need more light
i was thinking about 2 - 19 watt cfls

temp in box was 85 with outside temp of 90
but it drops at night
and i did make a cover tonite to keep light of the 2 exhaust fans on top

i know it is hard to evaluate with out pictures but what changes do i need to make to lights and care wise of my babies?


Active Member
you can use water from the tap and all, jus put it in your container let it sit without a lid for like 24 hours to let the chlorne evaporate... temp should stay round 75 im pretty sure, prolly move your lights up some, its cool if the temp drops bout 10-15* durin the dark. try a lower dose of nutes next time you feed. dunno how much you put, but miracle grow is dangerous, lol. tats wut im usin. dunno bout the cfl lights...


Active Member
starting them outdoors on a natural light cycle not to say high lumens and going to some cfls on a 24/0 light cycle will stress them. then adding MG was the water PH, do not use soften water out of sink, outside hoses are not normaly soft water and just about time they snapp out of it your going back out side to new light cycle and more stress
n hes right, shouldn bring them outside, n then in, then back out. keep under a constant schedule under the same light intensity


New Member
thanks guy should i change from 24/0
and how do i rep if i knew how to do that i gladly will for your help so far


New Member
ok i think i know one problem i got
i bought 2700k soft white bulbs
is should have got daylight 6500k bulbs till they flower right will i see a improvement by changing and is this going to raise temps


Active Member
you can use water from the tap and all, jus put it in your container let it sit without a lid for like 24 hours to let the chlorne evaporate... temp should stay round 75 im pretty sure, prolly move your lights up some, its cool if the temp drops bout 10-15* durin the dark. try a lower dose of nutes next time you feed. dunno how much you put, but miracle grow is dangerous, lol. tats wut im usin. dunno bout the cfl lights...
Boiling it and then letting it cool should do the same thing, but a bit faster.