ok germination questions pleace need help quick!!!


New Member
ok i have mixed my soil ffof and light warrior one bag each and now i`am ready to put my seeds in a styrofoam cups with light warrior. not going to do the paper towel method just going to put seeds in cups and water ok so here`s the question and yes i know its a noob dum a s s question but non the less i need the answer.AFTER I PLACE SEEDS IN CUPS AND WATER DO THEY GO UNDER THE LIGHTS OR SHOULD IT BE DARK UNTIL THE FIRST LEAVES POP THROUGH THEN LIGHT...NEED ANSWERS FAST.


Well-Known Member
They won't use light till you see green. It really comes down to preference, and heat. You do want them to be slightly warm to induce germination. I germinate in a paper towel, but I put them under T5's as soon as they are planted. Sometimes they stay in the dark till I see the seed break the surface, doesn't seem to matter at all really.


Yea doesn't matter. I put mine directly under my lights, right after I germinate them. It seemes to work great. My first few leaves get huge with the light at 20 hours.