Oinkle420's Nova Scotia outdoor grow.


Hey RIU, been following a bunch of journels for the past 2 years on here and figured it was time I add my little piece to the site.

I have 5 plants that came out of the ground just 2 weeks ago today, they are looking very well and the guy I got these seeds from yielded 10 foot plants but im not expecting such results for my first grow !

I also have 13 unknown seedlings I planted 3 days ago and with any luck they have popped ground today with all the sun.

I am going up to the site right now to take my first pictures and see what ya'll think, I havn't seen many grows in the Atlantic provinces of Canada on this site and thought this would be a good oppertunity to start one up !! Hope u guys like it ! :joint::mrgreen: pce N Pot


Just tryed to post my pics but failed LOL now im pressed on time, might get them up befor I have to leave !



Well here it is so far, The first pic is where my grow site can be found all packed away in these small fur trees. The sun angle is perfect here as the clearing runs east to west allowing max sunshine for my babies. All 13 seedlings popped the ground but I didnt bother taking pics becasue.. well everyone knows what a babie seedling looks like by now im sure !! The second pic is my best plant which I call Marley.. I hope this ones a female because its so pretty ! and the last is all its brothers or sisters enjoying there new homes and the blazing sunshine !!! 19 plants in total we will see what happens in the months to come, wish me luck on my first grow !! :joint:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
looks good.
i am going for a walk and going to look for that old snag of a tree and find you babies.....LOL just kiden