Well-Known Member
So I found it ironic that on the TV the other night some twit from CNN was talking about how bad this oil spill is and held up as her example a clear plastic water bottle that had floated through the oil and emerged all black and nasty.
And could not help but think, how ironic that she is not saying anything about the fact that there is plastic in the ocean, but so worried about the oil.
Now don't get me wrong, I am liberal through and through on social and most environmental issues, and am not making light of this oil spill because pictures like this are incredibly heartbreaking
Thinking of the hell that bird must be in.
But really is it worse than this:

Sidetrack: This is a crazy pic I saw when looking at that turtle:

Anyway, looking at the 'toilet bowl' in the pacific that is essentially a floating loose mass of plastic junk we have tossed into the oceans http://www.treehugger.com/galleries/2009/05/great-pacific-garbage-patch.php

Some estimates put it around twice the size of the united states, while the oil spill is about the size of a state.

Oil is nasty shit, and this disaster really is horrible, and not just for the people that died or the people that will be hurting for a few years until they can get past this disaster.
There are entire species that are going to be wiped out, like dolphins whose babies are hatching now and tend to eat everything in site, birds, frogs, wetlands, ect. This is bad, no doubt about it.
But it is a natural substance that will eventually break down, there are natural defenses that the earth has to eat up this and horrible as it is this is a somewhat short lived event.
Plastic on the other hand does not have anything that can break it down, nothing actually feeds on it (and breaks it down), it does break up, but that is even worse because it is almost like a plastic dust now that would be impossible to clean up.
And yet we are hooked on plastic and anytime us tree hugging liberals try to talk about getting away from plastic, making the companies charge an amount that actually covers any cleaning up that needs to be done, which would pass the costs to us, but would also ween us off plastics because no way in hell we want to pay 50 cents extra for milk because it is in a plastic container. We get laughed at.
So what now? Do you not think that BP should have to clean up (and pay for) this mess if you are on the side of the people that want us tree huggers to shut up about environmental costs of things like high gas guzzling cars, tax breaks for hybrids, and plastics being more expensive? Or is this starting to change your mind about protecting our shit?
My vote is for plastic being worse.
And could not help but think, how ironic that she is not saying anything about the fact that there is plastic in the ocean, but so worried about the oil.
Now don't get me wrong, I am liberal through and through on social and most environmental issues, and am not making light of this oil spill because pictures like this are incredibly heartbreaking

But really is it worse than this:

Sidetrack: This is a crazy pic I saw when looking at that turtle:

Anyway, looking at the 'toilet bowl' in the pacific that is essentially a floating loose mass of plastic junk we have tossed into the oceans http://www.treehugger.com/galleries/2009/05/great-pacific-garbage-patch.php

Some estimates put it around twice the size of the united states, while the oil spill is about the size of a state.

Oil is nasty shit, and this disaster really is horrible, and not just for the people that died or the people that will be hurting for a few years until they can get past this disaster.
There are entire species that are going to be wiped out, like dolphins whose babies are hatching now and tend to eat everything in site, birds, frogs, wetlands, ect. This is bad, no doubt about it.
But it is a natural substance that will eventually break down, there are natural defenses that the earth has to eat up this and horrible as it is this is a somewhat short lived event.
Plastic on the other hand does not have anything that can break it down, nothing actually feeds on it (and breaks it down), it does break up, but that is even worse because it is almost like a plastic dust now that would be impossible to clean up.
And yet we are hooked on plastic and anytime us tree hugging liberals try to talk about getting away from plastic, making the companies charge an amount that actually covers any cleaning up that needs to be done, which would pass the costs to us, but would also ween us off plastics because no way in hell we want to pay 50 cents extra for milk because it is in a plastic container. We get laughed at.
So what now? Do you not think that BP should have to clean up (and pay for) this mess if you are on the side of the people that want us tree huggers to shut up about environmental costs of things like high gas guzzling cars, tax breaks for hybrids, and plastics being more expensive? Or is this starting to change your mind about protecting our shit?
My vote is for plastic being worse.