Oil extraction


Active Member
Hi there people everyday I'm hearing more and more people making oil using extraction units and lighter gas,many swear that it is the best and easiest way to produce oil but others argue it leaves traces of silicone and other residue mixed in with the end product,I love what rs is doing and I fully respect him for it but its like people are trying to make oil as good as the oil rick produced but is it safe ?? Any one got experience in oil extraction units? :0))


Well-Known Member
I e been doing alcohol extractions and haven't great results! No danger from the butane and you still get a beautiful amber oil if you use a qwiso method.


New Member
Ive smoked it, honey oil as we call it in canada, its great, powerful, clean, as I can tell, like nice bubble hash, id say very similar.

I Do bubble, water no chems...

Oil is so sticky messy, my bubble soft pliable, clean.

U make honey oil youll see it bubble same as good bubble hash. Why use butane?


Well-Known Member
Prolem #1...This is going to screw us all in the long run. WE have finally got people to understand that weed really is just a plant. Now we got this substance that looks and functions like a drug, has to be processed with chemicals and equipment, and there are going to be kids burning themselves and their homes trying to make this at home. People are going to concentrate and inhale other chemicals like bug repellents and ferts, eventually we will have the first weed fatality. Of course, it wont be from weed, just something in it, but you know how it will look on the evening news.

Prolem #2... If you get into dabbing, you are going to raise your tolerance. Remember when you first smoked, you got fubared and after a while it normlized and you get your regular buzz. Same with concentrates, you'll get really high, then you'll find your level just like now. Difference is, when you're out, and you know there are those times, the withdrawl is going to be that much worse for you.

Prolem #3... You're going to need lots more weed to supply your stonieness, and that gets expensive. There are also limits on plants and weight that people won't be able to abide by trying to keep up with the requirements of making the product.


Active Member
By the way in that link I posted all the people I know. Who have used them use trim as the material not buds!!


Well-Known Member
Prodigal is dead on, to add to that, in some states concentrates are actually treated differently and can carry more sever penalties.

A dab is strong ass shit, but I usually prefer a smoke or even a good edible if I want to get really toasted.