Ohio People


New Member
I am in eastern illinois I just put mine out yesterday, it maybe a bit early but I cover mine in the evening so as I don't have to worry about a lite frost.


Active Member
I just put some of mine out today, I live in southern Ohio the weather really nice out today and I don't think frost will be to big of a issue.


Well-Known Member
This is way too early, you can expect longer internode spacing, as well as stunted growth from the cold daily temps. a plant germinated in late may early June will end the season larger than almost any plant put out earlier. this is from my observations over the years only and doesn't take into account plants grown indoors for an extended period of time before being placed out doors, or plants in different size pots and nutes, ect...

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
yeah man.. i've got about the same weather here and it's all about keeping them inside at night especially and most of the day except i put them out when those spring showers pop up.


Well-Known Member
haha, if your in ohio, good thing you didnt put your babies out side. ohio has almost a foot of snow on the ground as of now.
guess i was wrong when i said you could trust me, but i always used to plant outdoors in april, i did always wait untill 420 to plant outside tho.
good growing to ya all, peace