O'Hare Airport Chicago


Well-Known Member
yeah, i remember hearing about that awhile back. Anytime I hear about UFO's, I just wonder what the hell the government is up to. I personally don't believe aliens hove above us in flying ships. Its not that I dont believe in other life out there, I definitely do, I just dont think they would get that close to us. If they wanted to be known, well thats easy, just say hello. If they want to remain secret, they would have zero reason for getting that close to observe us.


Well-Known Member
Check this out guys

Its 2 hours long, it kicks off around the 3:00 mark, and all that happens is basically the testimony of high ranking officials in the Military/Nasa/CIA/air traffic controllers of what they seen and covered up, the only reason they stepped forward is that most were retired and no longer under threat of losing their job.

It's extremely enlightening, if you make it to around the 12:00 min mark you will want to watch the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
My friends uncle works for NASA. He asked him about aliens and shit once, and his uncle told him he didn't even want to know what he knew. Which is pretty freaky.


Well-Known Member
I seen some thing recently on tv ... cant remember what it was, some sort of documentary on ufos, but I guess in a suburb out here in Chicago, there was a mass ufo sighting. Hundreds of people saw it, and over 20 people captured it on either video or pictures.
There are I guess some hot spots that I would love to go check out. Im too much of a pussy though. I think when you open yourself to them, thats how you get bothered by them. F that.


Well-Known Member
I seen some thing recently on tv ... cant remember what it was, some sort of documentary on ufos, but I guess in a suburb out here in Chicago, there was a mass ufo sighting. Hundreds of people saw it, and over 20 people captured it on either video or pictures.
There are I guess some hot spots that I would love to go check out. Im too much of a pussy though. I think when you open yourself to them, thats how you get bothered by them. F that.
There is this creepy ass cemetery out in the burbs of Chi I have heard about. Tons of my friends have went there. Supposedly if you put your hands on some part of the cemetery gate you can feel imprints of these hands, and a bunch of crazy other shit I have heard about going down there. They go at like 2-3 am. Too creepy for me.


Well-Known Member
There is this creepy ass cemetery out in the burbs of Chi I have heard about. Tons of my friends have went there. Supposedly if you put your hands on some part of the cemetery gate you can feel imprints of these hands, and a bunch of crazy other shit I have heard about going down there. They go at like 2-3 am. Too creepy for me.
Supposedly Chicago is the most haunted town in the us. I am super scared of ghosts/spirits/demons whatever you wanna call them.
BUT I am intrigued by some of the cemetery stories I have heard...

One that I want to visit soon, has a grave site of a young woman who died when she was around 23 (im goin off memory so the story wont be exact) Anyway she died of some illness or during birth or whatever. The day she got buried, her mom started having nightmares every night that the daughter was still alive and wanted out. So a long ass time later, the mother finally convinced the graveyard to have her body resumed...
When they did her body was not decayed at all. It looked like she was buried the day before. Her body was still supple.
Thats crazy to me. I think a lot famous gangsters are buried at that cemetery as well.


Well-Known Member
Hmm really... well I think I have a link for it since you are so close... lemme look in my favs and I will either send it to ya or post it here. There is a lot of stuff to take pics of there so I plan on going soon for photography reasons.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to meet some Extra terrestrials, i know bad spelling, i bet they could learn alott from earth and we could learn alott from them. I have always been fascinated by UFO's


Well-Known Member
Yup. Im hella down if its more than 3 or 4 people going... Im not tryin to put myself in a bad situation, but I do think it would be a good time. Summer would be good though. I heard the weather is nice and hot at night :)