OH YEA...........for those who have a foot fetish.............AWESOME

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Looked like there were some crystals growin on those nasties. Scrape some of them bitches off & smoke em!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You evil bastard. I noticed a notification and clicked on it to see what was up. I saw your name. clicked on the link. AND SAW THAT SON-OF-A-BITCH again.

I need a drink... actually I need a lobotomy to get that image out of my brain.


Well-Known Member
You evil bastard. I noticed an notification and clicked on it to see what was up. I saw your name. clicked on the link. AND SAW THAT SON-OF-A-BITCH again.

I need a drink... actually I need a lobotomy to get that image out of my brain.
hehehehehe Im am EVIL.......just call me DOCTOR for short................


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot Mr. Pony.


I was just about to take a bite out of my french toast.. only to look up as I start to take that bite.. and see that thing. That's gotta be the most disgusting.. ugliest.. foulest.. nastiest foot I have ever seen.

You don't take good care of your feet eh?? I think I'm literally going to puke..

I should have known better not to click this thread title.. especially knowing that Stoned Pony created it.. LOL.

ehhh, man I'm really starting to feel nauseated.. :|

I hate you man..
