Oh Snap! No, literally...


Well-Known Member
Good news is the Kola is big and fat. Bad news, it snapped the stalk! Still attached but Its about 7-10 days from harvest. Any thoughts on trying to remedy it?



Well-Known Member
I have heard masking tape was better to use than duct tape due to the amount of adhesives in it - if being put directly on the plant. Anyone have any experience with this being true or using non adhesives?

I secured it to a stake in the mean time, but wanted to do more so its not impacted too much in the final stretch.


Well-Known Member
Just tape/steak it. Even without the tape it should be fine. A lot of people snap their stems on purpose.
People snap the stalks on purpose during flowering huh?I have never heard of such a thing.Training during veg yes,Please enlighten me to the purpose and method behind this madness.


Well-Known Member
No.... i mean snapping stems in general. It will survive.

Geeze, you're dense. Chill out and go smoke a bowl.

People snap the stalks on purpose during flowering huh?I have never heard of such a thing.Training during veg yes,Please enlighten me to the purpose and method behind this madness.


Well-Known Member
Just tape/steak it. Even without the tape it should be fine. A lot of people snap their stems on purpose.
Uh no buddy I am not dense your post clearly states on "purpose" thus excluding all accidents in your representation of what you think is advice.P.S. whether I am stoned or not does not cause me to quit calling bullshit when I hear it.So to you I say "Good day sir"..lol


Well-Known Member
When my shit breaks, I use drywall tape. It is very easy to form to the branch, it holds it in place extremely well and you can pull it off no problem IMO the perfect tape


any breakages should be held back together with tin foil, the tin foil (Silver reflector material ) draws the light to it and the stem will repair better and quicker !!!!


Well-Known Member
Where did you see me advise he crack it more on purpose? The plant should survive despite being cracked. Some people crack stems on purpose and they live just fine.

If his doesn't live somehow, he'll have done all he could to save it. It will only die if the phloems or xylems are ruptured, and even then if they're put close to each other, they will probably reconnect.

Uh no buddy I am not dense your post clearly states on "purpose" thus excluding all accidents in your representation of what you think is advice.P.S. whether I am stoned or not does not cause me to quit calling bullshit when I hear it.So to you I say "Good day sir"..lol


Well-Known Member
To the op, that sucks man, i just had it happen to me a couple of weeks back. Huge top cola laying on the floor when i walked in. Thank god it was still attached. I leaned the plant against the wall and fixed it with duct tape. Its growing fine again. I went out and picked up a trellis net and netted them all up. Layed out two tiers of net and now theyre getting some awsome light coverage as well. Ill be able to reuse the trellis net when it comes off too. I have a question for you now. Mine broke when it needed water, was your soil dry when yours broke? Please PM me with the answer because i may loose track of this thread, thanks, ninja :):):)


Well-Known Member
Have you actually tried supercropping? I haven't, so I personally have no experience. All I know is that they survive when other people do it on purpose. Nothing more and nothing less.

Stupid people that think this will make it a stronger smoke.


Well-Known Member
ive snapped them sidewayz to get them out of the lights , gently tho . if mistake and need fixing split a 1-2 inch piece of soda straw put around break like a cast & tape. take off in 2-3 weeks there will b a knot there where it has healed . no probs .


Well-Known Member
What buds and somebody else referred to is some people will stress out their plants the last week or less by snapping and bending stalks. They do this beleiving it will cause the plant to produce more resin to protect it self. Hippy myth or fact I don't know,just throwing it out there.


Well-Known Member
What buds and somebody else referred to is some people will stress out their plants the last week or less by snapping and bending stalks. They do this beleiving it will cause the plant to produce more resin to protect it self. Hippy myth or fact I don't know,just throwing it out there.
I read in a book about simple marijuana growing that the resin glands are formed as the plants natural insect repellant and the dude was saying pruning the plant will make it think its being eaten so it will stink more and produce more resin. My step brother was constantly cutting shit off one of his plants as an experiment for branching and resin production and when it finally flowered, it was a raging hermaphrodite with more male parts than female then it pollinated every plant around