Oh shit I fucked up


Active Member
So I planted three seeds and only one sprouted. it got about as tall as a tooth pick before I fucked it up but heres what happened. So I was told by some people on the growery that I needed to move my plants closer to my CFL's which I agreed with but I made the mistake of forgetting to come home one day during my lunch hour to water my plant and then I get home and the poor little thing is wilted and laying down. So I am sure the fucking this is guna die but I prop the thing up on a little stand and start watering better. now its standing up on its own and its still green but the top is all shriveled and a wilted. there isn't and dead brown spots but it isn't looking too good.

My question is, will it live?


Active Member
Im pretty sure I am not over watering. My pots are 1 cubic inch and I water three times a day. by the time I water them the soil is reletively dry so they arent drowning. it happened when I forgot to water them three times and dint get to them at noon like I usually do.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure I am not over watering. My pots are 1 cubic inch and I water three times a day. by the time I water them the soil is reletively dry so they arent drowning. it happened when I forgot to water them three times and dint get to them at noon like I usually do.
OMG........3x a day, cant you read???? Have you ever done ANY research....


Well-Known Member
i used to have to water 2 times a day in peat pots i dont kow what u have urs in tho but once every couple days is good


Well-Known Member
You are doing something way wrong if you have a plant in a peat pellet and it dry's out daily. How big it that thing and how long has it been going or how high are your temperatures?

Way way wrong and you are killing it.


Well-Known Member
Okay, i water daily and i thought i was most frequent water feeder :p But this is insane.

But seriously, u cant water a ganja plant 3 times a day.... but the plant is a smart ass... Now that u water it 3 times, and havnt killed it already, it'll be trying to adjust to the conditions, TRYING to get used to it. Now, if all of a sudden u dont water for 2-3 days, the plant will DIE for sure. Its is so because the plant is now, somewhat used to regular watering... I'd say pics wud help, definitely.
Imo, dont water it now till the soil is dry, light brown and u see cracks in them. The plants may look as if its dying, but dont water unless u see cracks in the soil and its COMPLETELY dry.I once had to water my plants 2 times daily, but that was because the plants were big-ass and my pots were puny! So, make sure ur plants are not Pot Bound, if so, transplant already! :D. Also, make sure that ur pot has proper drainage holes and the soil ur using allows good drainage. once u do this, the plants will again get used to the "water every 2 days cycle" and it'll gift u with buds, later :p

Learn to know ur plants man, if u look closely, they almost talk....

All the best for ur grow, hope i could be of some help :)

PS: I read it all over again and said, "wtf, when did i write all this??" :| Oh fuck, im stoned :|


Active Member
guys the plants are in a 1 cubic inch pots, very small. they dry out very quick. the soil will be almost compleatly dry by the time I water them.


Well-Known Member
Why are you growing in 1 inch pots? You wouldn't even root a full size clone in that, that would just be for the start of rooting.


Well-Known Member
I think you do have some type of water rot here, but it doesn't matter. It is the fault of those 1" peat pots they are worse than worthless.

Chuck those things and start your next plant out in a nice medium sized pot and you can be free to water like a normal human being.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure I am not over watering. My pots are 1 cubic inch and I water three times a day. by the time I water them the soil is reletively dry so they arent drowning. it happened when I forgot to water them three times and dint get to them at noon like I usually do.
One cubic inch???You need to transplant and put the dirt up near the bottom leaves for support.Use a fan too so youre stalk will increase in size.More support.:wall: