oh no! say it aint so obama! (WA and CO legalization)

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
They get no tax revenue from it now though. In fact they spend billions trying to eradicate it, harass users, arrest users, and jail users. The resources freed up from legalizing it already provide a huge financial incentive, even if they never collect a single cent in taxes.


Well-Known Member
They get no tax revenue from it now though. In fact they spend billions trying to eradicate it, harass users, arrest users, and jail users. The resources freed up from legalizing it already provide a huge financial incentive, even if they never collect a single cent in taxes.
LOL..Who told you that they don't get any money from legal states? I hope you don't think that uncle sam is gonna let you sell weed,and not have his hands out,you heard wrong.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
People that legally make money in the marijuana industry pay income tax. I'm not aware of any specific marijuana taxes levied though (for the sale of medical in medical states), but I could be wrong, I haven't done sufficient research. I was referring more to a vice tax similar to how alcohol is taxed. Most mj sold is on the black market, even when it is done "legally". They don't get any money from any weed that passes through my hands.


Well-Known Member
He's in his second term now and hes going to be the good guy and keep the kids off the weed because it makes them stupid, and no stoner could ever become president /Insert sarcasm/. Plus he wont be the first black president and legalize weed.


Well-Known Member
The gov will make a shit ton of money and become dependent on it. They will be addicted to selling marijuana.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if you were paying attention to his first term at all, but he just straight up lied about supporting marijuana.
demonstrably false.

unless, of course, you were listening to some kind of doppelganger obama that i was completely unaware of.