oh no my girl is an IT HERMY question???


Well-Known Member
hello my motha fuckas turned hermy on me ...

my question is how much bud can a hermy yeild and how much seeds??

is it worth it if its just for you make hash smoke some ??? worht growing it out or start over???????


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure they say u can make hash from the resin, but for the most part its not worth it, if thats your only plant, start over. Just my opinion, no offense. I am sure others will share a different opinion if thats what you want to hear.


Well-Known Member
lol i wanna hear something usfull from a hermy maybe some same seedlees buds? or will it just be seedsssssssssssss alll over


Well-Known Member
please help me out 2nd grow so im a newbie but i know some basic stuff and i only have hermy plants and i just wanna know if i can get some good buds or will all the buds have seeds and im gonna have to pick at my buds to get seeds out just to smoke a bowl???


New Member
if it were me i would take all the seeds out (painful) and hash it up.. personally i would do oil but the possibilities are unlimited.. it really depends on how badly you need it... if you have the time and patience to start all over than go for it,, if you decide to finish it up it may make some worthy hash... hermies still produce THC


Well-Known Member
would you prefer no bud or seedy bud? seedy bud is still bud, yes you can smoke it, yes you can make hash, its just seedy so you'll have to pick seeds out.
if its the only plant you've got then let it finish and at least you'll get a harvest. it might end up full of seeds or you might only get a dozen or so.
pluck the male flowers off before they open and youll end up with less seeds.