Oh Natural!


Active Member
I am trying to grow cannabis on as minimum a budget as possible, so i ve got a decent grade of soil, i am not using any lights as i am sure that i get enough sunlight on a day time threw windows etc, i may invest in a fan for ciruclating air and thermometer/hygrometer to stay on top of things, but again i am trying for as little cost as possible.

So was going to try and compensate for the lack of fancy gadgets (lights, extraction) etc with fertilizers, plant foods. Any ideas? i am a UK-e-in, so if theres a garden centre etc that supplies the products i am after any information would be helpfull. websites too!

I've had friends grow the same way with some success, decent yield pretty good smoke. (mind you there was a plant's worth, lol). Is there a chance i am going to be germinating seeds more than i am harvesting buds? and any tips/advice you've got i am sure i'll take everything on board!

chronic cipher

New Member
if u havent got ny money den plant dem in sum pots nd put them on ur roof or ur garden or somewhere outside and november/december the plants wouldve budded


Well-Known Member
I grew this w/12$ W-Mart shoplights, bulbs included. I use 3 fixtures, screwed together and regular cool white 40W tubes. I do have a sativa flowering by a window at the moment . . . it's working fine, but taking forever. Not even a particularly bright window, at that.
Some kind of light is probably a must if you're wanting to grow a stash.
Don't know if W-Mart is in U.K, but you get the idea. I just went to 3 fixtures . . . have done fine w/1, just not AS big of harvest.
Good luck.
2 pics citrus/2 no light sativa



Active Member
I have actually got an old aquarium light Power-glo 18000K 14W that produces about 46 lux would that even help them threw the grow stages while i invest in a lamp for flowering?

I ve tucked it away and just forgot about it, but it was for a marine tank, (used to be a fish nut, lol) and the light is intended to support plant growth within a tank, Would this be suitable?? :joint:


Well-Known Member
sounds like it would definately help but make sure you get hps for flowering you can find them as cheap as 30 u s