Oh my


Well-Known Member
Go look in the Canada Patients section to see how ridiculous our approach to this is.
Goodbye home-grower licenses, hello to bland commercialization...

The CONservatives really can't let anything happen without somehow leaving someone a criminal in the process (the more the better)... because that would be against their ideology.

Crime doesn't pay...
...unless you're a member of the majority elected by the minority.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
How else did you guys think it would end up? This is going to lead to GM weed, mark my words. My reasons for never backing legalization of reefer are starting to hold true. As if government would let go of all that money, PAH! And now it'll be the taxman going after home growers, much MUCH worse than cops. The cops want the sick pleasure of defiling your home, but the taxman wants your SOUL.


Well-Known Member
Then push for Legal to possess
Illegal to sell

And you wont have to worry about who you buy your weed from

Because you will be growing it


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've been ruminating on this one since it was announced.

It really does define both the con mentality and the uninformed 'anti' argument.
They are starting from an arbitrary $10/gram "street price"...first off, Health Canada charges half of that.

Logically then, the cons will put the rate somewhere in the middle: $7.60 allows for a profit margin.
Yet they are stepping in to replace HC, so it should still be $5/g.

As for the RCMP administering it: that's an odd one given that the RCMP opposed their politically-convenient kibosh of the gun registry. Apparently they didn't learn from the gun registry that the RCMP couldn't organize a bunny-fuck in a swimming pool. They are too busy tasing people and covering up their own boys' club to do any real policing. Remember that, in all the 'grow op busts' that you read about, they are counting fresh-cut clones as 'plants' (despite not having roots like a plant) and calculate "street value" based on their idea of what the plants would, in their opinion, produce. No thanks...I'll solve my own problems before I'll ever call the queen's cowboys for 'help'. I don't need a friend or family member shot instead of the bad guy.

It's funny (well....tragic) that the legalization/decriminalization models proposed around the world generally don't see governments getting into the weed biz, yet these clowns are jumping in with both feet to provide opportunities to create new corporate donors.
I'm sure Monsanto is looking to Canada right now as a legal way into the weed business.

The ACTUAL cost of my meds is easily under $1/gram because it's amortized over so many grows so why on earth would I buy it for $7.60 ?
I don't (and wouldn't) sell any and I break no (other) laws...I don't even speed lol. Yet, under the mandatory minimums, my family would be deprived of the income I can make only while using my meds. That's just plain bent.

THAT is what they are competing with, and at a difference of $200/month in my case, they aren't competing at all.
On my meds I am able work enough and squirrel away enough money to help pay for a period of incarceration should that happen. There's no reason that should be a 'life choice' (translate the Latin in my sig) for an otherwise law abiding conscientious citizen, but the only other option I have is things like Oxy...
It is what it is.

One thing that cracks me up is people like Surrey mayor Diane Watts talking about how the MMAR program has led to illegal sales etc, yet HC has the authority to inspect each and every medicinal grow whenever they want (read the fine print). Trouble is, for all of western Canada there are only THREE HC inspectors. There are 13,000 licenses in BC alone.

Once again, the con rationale is to penalize the poor and undermine the social programs their narrow-minded ideology won't let them support...they're doing the same thing with EI, Veterans Affairs, CPP, etc. It's exactly the same mentality that the Tea Party is using south of the border to try and defund Obamacare to starve it out of existence....regardless of what people want.

These cons are a default government and every move they make is another point for Justin as our next PM. At least they're willing to bring up the legalization issue, never mind simply acknowledging that it exists...

On a lighter note, it figures that it would be an NPR story: one of the few outlets that realizes there's an entire country to their north :)

Just as well they've prorogued parliament again, there are a pile of new Senate corruption issues to bury. What ever happened to Harpo's 'elected Senate' reform priority ?


Well-Known Member
mad hamish said:
but the taxman wants your SOUL
You posted this while I was writing mine.
What about U-brew ?
You are taxed on the materials you use to make it but it's still less than what you're taxed on the final product.
I have no problems with paying taxes on soil, lights, etc....even on bud should I choose to buy it finished and cured.
The model is the same as for booze.


Well-Known Member
licensing and taxing dope under government control, and what government controls it can destroy.
that shit is fucked up.
tell me about it.

i can't even buy a six pack of alcoholic beverages anymore, ever since it went under government control.

or, maybe not.

now start screaming about neo-marxists or something else that reeks of cold war ennui.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
tell me about it.

i can't even buy a six pack of alcoholic beverages anymore, ever since it went under government control.

or, maybe not.

now start screaming about neo-marxists or something else that reeks of cold war ennui.

its amazing how fast you can scuttle from one thread to another.

i bet you have some kind of snowshoe type device which prevents you from sinking into the mud.


Well-Known Member

its amazing how fast you can scuttle from one thread to another.

i bet you have some kind of snowshoe type device which prevents you from sinking into the mud.
don't even get me started on how difficult it is to get a cut of steak after those government inspectors with the USDA get through with it.

the bullshit you spew is neverending.


Well-Known Member
i can't even buy a six pack of alcoholic beverages anymore, ever since it went under government control.
Apparently you're not in Canada then...which is the point of this thread.
I'm guessing you just mis-stated your point ?
I've got a bunch of booze downrange at the moment and I live in one of the more restrictive provinces :)

If weed were as easily as accessible as booze, the legalization argument would end. Period.


Well-Known Member
Apparently you're not in Canada then...which is the point of this thread.
I'm guessing you just mis-stated your point ?
I've got a bunch of booze downrange at the moment and I live in one of the more restrictive provinces :)

If weed were as easily as accessible as booze, the legalization argument would end. Period.
i was being sarcastic to make a point to kkkynes.

government control, including licensing and taxation, happens with every commodity imaginable, and cannabis will soon be the same.

that he tries to play this up as some sort of nefarious plot is laughable.

but not quite as laughable as his claims that once cannabis is re-legalized in california, local police departments will order extremely expensive genomic sequencing tests on cannabis vendors.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i was being sarcastic to make a point to kkkynes.

government control, including licensing and taxation, happens with every commodity imaginable, and cannabis will soon be the same.

that he tries to play this up as some sort of nefarious plot is laughable.

but not quite as laughable as his claims that once cannabis is re-legalized in california, local police departments will order extremely expensive genomic sequencing tests on cannabis vendors.
the government does not have a vested interest in prohibiting hooch, but they have a real hard-on for dope.

and no, they will not "order extremely expensive tests" they will, just as they do with a single hit of acid on a sugarcube, where you get charged for the weight of the sugar, not the LSD, simply charge you based on the obvious divergence from their exemplar of the SINGLE recognized cannabis species, that exemplar indubitably will be ditchweed.

if i was gonna get around the proposed law, thats how i would do it.

and they will try to get around the law, unless "GMO" is properly defined.


Well-Known Member
i was being sarcastic to make a point to kkkynes.

government control, including licensing and taxation, happens with every commodity imaginable, and cannabis will soon be the same.

that he tries to play this up as some sort of nefarious plot is laughable.

but not quite as laughable as his claims that once cannabis is re-legalized in california, local police departments will order extremely expensive genomic sequencing tests on cannabis vendors.
OK, that makes sense. For a bit of background though, canucks are more used to being told what's ok and what's not by those in power (gov't) than by bending gov't to their collective will. As a result, when you get a clown gov't like the one we currently have, they degrade themselves into irrelevance because, at the end of the day, Canadians do what Canadians want....regardless of whether or not the short term gov't agrees with that (look at the long gun registry).
Libs and Dippers realized that long ago, that's why legalization (talks, at least) are on the platform of both parties.

Al that being said, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the current clown show in Ottawa is setting up a circus that will see the likes of Monsanto controlling the legal market....which won't alleviate the black market....which is their entire (stated) purpose in the first place....


Well-Known Member
i just checked this thread to make sure op wasnt cornered by lions tigers and bears

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i was being sarcastic to make a point to kkkynes.

government control, including licensing and taxation, happens with every commodity imaginable, and cannabis will soon be the same.

that he tries to play this up as some sort of nefarious plot is laughable.

but not quite as laughable as his claims that once cannabis is re-legalized in california, local police departments will order extremely expensive genomic sequencing tests on cannabis vendors.

Because something repeatedly happens is a poor justification for it continuing to happen that way. Something happening in a particular way that involves the force of government is particularly stifling to the development of possible better methods. Captive processes / markets that require no market feedback....Hmmm....Soviet Union much?