Oh hai guyz!


Active Member
Hello, thought I would stop in and say hello.

I just recently started growing and came apon this website, and boy do I wish I had found it a week earlier! O well.

My first grow is in soil, with some bag seed. I figure if it all goes to shit I won't be disappointed. I've already messed up a lot but these plants sure can take a beating.

I'm a smart guy, I learn fast and I prefer to listen, rather than talk.

I currently own a medium sized website hosting company, which is my primary source of income, so I know quite abit about the internet and its works (Glad to help anyone with questions on that :-P ).

Just thought I would pop in and say hello. I imagine you will find me lurking around these forums quite often from now on.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU and good luck with your grow. Dont hesitate to ask any question no matter how silly you think it may be because there are many members that can help with just about anything.