Step 1: Get another 5 gal pail.
Step 2: Drill some motha fuckin holes in that bitch
Step 3: Fill it 1/4 way with perlite.
Step 4: Get some Fox Farms Happy Frog soil and fill the bucket up
Step 5: Get ready cause now your backs gonna hurt, your on gardening duty, mix it all up evenly.
Step 6: Pour half of the mixed soil out and prep ur plant for transplant
Step 7: Remove plant gently, gently remove as much excess dirt as possible, u can wash it off with GOOD pH water.
Step 8: Re plant in good soil and mix the excess mixed soil around it
Step 9: Water with at least a gallon
Step 10: Check ur temps and pH daily. Water as needed, might be more or less than 4 days, use ur lady fingers and feel inside the holes to see if its wet down there. Im sure u can do this part fine. If its all dry, obviously water.
With all that said, ur plant will prob die, good luck