Oh Boy, Is This a Boy?


Active Member
It's day 10 of flowering. I have three plants going and pretty sure that the other two are ladies. This one is kind of making me concerned.

The leaves are very dense as you can see, which makes it extra hard to take a good picture of the nodes. But I feel like I see the two hairs (though they are green and a bit thicker than I expected) and the balls. The third picture should give a good view.

Am I unfortunately right about this being a male/hermie?
Thanks in advance (like always) for the help!



Active Member
looks like a boy to me... you might wanna wait a couple days see if you see little mini bunches of grapes at the internode

Karl Wills

Yes, Chief, it looks like the third pic is definitely a male. You may want to remove it from the other two, but don't take my word for it. I'm sure a few more folks will chime in, but I'm almost sure we're looking at seed pods.


Well-Known Member
That third pic is a bit blurry, but looks like the start of a male... not 100% on that though, I'd say wait a couple days and you'd know for sure.


Active Member
I might shed a tear here. Of course my favorite plant has to be the boy. I couldn't get a less blurry photo with my damn i-phone. But if those are balls then the plant has balls...thanks for the help :(