Well i'm glad u almost took offence by someone trying to help out. Yes this is my second post, so i guess i'm completely cluesless or something. But its day 42 of flower??? and its not flowering after 6 weeks, doesn't that strike one of you like maybe its just time to start over. Do u plan on flowering for 20 weeks or something, seriously WTF???
..and what kind of soil are you using?? is that backyard soil, its got sticks and other crap in it.
I know there are other people reading this, please someone tell these two that its reaching the point of comedy. Sampson you keep telling him its look a LOT better compared to...something grow in Chernobyl?? I was trying to help but you two have it under control. Its a 400 watt hps that going to yeild maybe 4 grams of weed at best, caked in pesticide and 13x too much flowering nutes. Its starting to look like someone's bonsai plant....I can't be the only one thinking this, a giant box fan mounted on top of a plant in 100+ temps. good luck with that, just make sure Sampson you keep telling him that it looks alot better, so this thread can continue its course.....


Well-Known Member
Well i'm glad u almost took offence by someone trying to help out. Yes this is my second post, so i guess i'm completely cluesless or something. But its day 42 of flower??? and its not flowering after 6 weeks, doesn't that strike one of you like maybe its just time to start over. Do u plan on flowering for 20 weeks or something, seriously WTF???
..and what kind of soil are you using?? is that backyard soil, its got sticks and other crap in it.
I know there are other people reading this, please someone tell these two that its reaching the point of comedy. Sampson you keep telling him its look a LOT better compared to...something grow in Chernobyl?? I was trying to help but you two have it under control. Its a 400 watt hps that going to yeild maybe 4 grams of weed at best, caked in pesticide and 13x too much flowering nutes. Its starting to look like someone's bonsai plant....I can't be the only one thinking this, a giant box fan mounted on top of a plant in 100+ temps. good luck with that, just make sure Sampson you keep telling him that it looks alot better, so this thread can continue its course.....
ok... first off i dont in any way shape or form think this is going to be a great yielder for reef.. nor does he... there has been issue after issue he has ran into... bugs, temps, ect.. so yea his girl is taking a LOT longer to flower than it should.. and the plant doesnt look near as good as it could.. but if you look at the progression of it from damn near death to know, then yes, it does look a lot better than it did... at least now it is turning for the better... you post count has nothing to do with the knowledge i think you do or dont have.. nor does it affect the advice you give.. i would listean to advice from someone with 1 post just as much as someone with 10000 posts... the post count has nothing to do with the advice you give.. its the way you approached it... you could have just said "your plant looks like shit.. kill it".. the fact is reef knows how fucked up his plant is... how fucked up the grow went.. how fucked up the environment he is growing in is... if you can tell then its very apparent to him... but he chooses to move on.. and continue with the grow... and yes i support him and give him advice and try to keep his spirits up... so fucking what?? is that bad?? i am almost positive if you read the entire grow journal that there is a post i put in there about cutting his loses and starting over.. but who am i to tell him that?? im just here to support him as i would any grower...

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
i was really hoping this wasn't going to turn into this, but bro i know how bad this is going are you fucking kidding me? i see her everyday. i was trying to deal with extream hot issues, along with an extream case of mites that i couldn't treat for some time. can you blame me for keep trying to do my best to turn her around? did i progress in bringing her back YES. for your info the past 2 weeks she has been spitting out flowers, small they might be; and ravaged from the mites, all new growth is lookin great. that BIG ASS FAN is whats bringin my temps down to a mid 80's from over 100. and yes she shouldnt get as much wind, NO MORE LEAVES ARE DYING. so take it how you want.

i will take good pictures tonight. with close up to tops of buds, and the final purpose was to get a nice solid little cola coming up everywhere,and minimal internode spacing mine are all 1/2 inch, 3+ weeks to go with all bud development. and this is my first experience with a 400 wt light, 1000wt makes EVERYTHING bigger.