[email protected]

Well-Known Member
well this defiantly sold me on the idea for 48+ hours before you put the ladies into flower. as it turned out, i messed up the time that i shut off the lights so i was forced to either choose 36 hours or 56 hours so i went with 56 just to see what would happen.

from the looks of it she is defiantly directly into flowering,because if anyone ever notices how the new leaf structure is different during veg and flower. well there is NO veg growth as i can see since the switch, so now im completely sold on 48+ hours before you put them into flowering. here she is.

oh and for anyone concerned about the bug problem i had, well it looks like i got them all, at the expense of slightly burning my lady. NO MORE MITES!!



Well-Known Member
so you gave the 56 hours of dark... so what is that.. 2 days and 6 hours of straight dark?? wow... i think i would have seperation anxiety... :lol: but they responded well huh?? thats fucking awesome.. and no veg growth is even better... and the best is that its basically already into flowering... really cant wait to see how the rest of flowering goes... have you noticed and hermie tendencies or anything with using prolonged darkness yourself??

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
yea man im suprised about the extra dark, usually you will see a few days of continued veg growth, but she is amazing me all i see is flowering growth with the new growth areas spitting out multiple leafs, ie 3,4 at a time. where at veg they spit out ones or 2 at most.

oh and ima find out if it effects an turns her hermie, as this is a strong genetic line i hope there is no problems. only time will tell.


New Member
I recently started flowering 4 of my plants and I went 36 hours dark before 12/12. My plants started showing flowers in Day 10. I don't know what that means since this is my first time growing.

I'm at Day 13 of flowering and they look like this...

