OG Kush - 400W - 1 Plant - 7 ft tall


Well, this is a continuation of my previous grow journal.


But after the past few weeks, i felt that the plant deserved a new title, which says it all.

I've got a single OG Kush plant started from seed back in August. Just about to start month 6 of the her life.

She is in a Walmart tool storage locker covered in black/white plastic, with a 430W HPS and an Island Sun desk fan (the most recent edition). I have a hole cut in the bottom of my locker, which my 5 gallon paint bucket that houses the plant sits in. The tool locker is 5.5 ft, and with the bottom cut out, it stands a total of 6.5 ft.

The plant is tied down at about the 4.5 ft mark, fastened to the handle of the bucket with my patented duct-tape rope. Currently it is about 2" below the roof the the locker, so including bucket she is 6'3", but, with the tie down she's deceptively short, and i can safely estimate the height at 7+ feet including bucket.

I use the Nutriplus fertilization program, along with the Bloom Plus additive. Right now, she takes about 2 litres of the mix per day. Unfortunately my last dose was a bit strong, and i burnt the top of a one of my colas, but only on the fan leaves and the problem has since been corrected, so no real loss.

This plant was a mother too 30 clone attempts, with 2 successful children (frustrating). As a result, i have 2 thick stocks which come off of the base, these two stocks become 3 large colas with multiple offshoots

I think the result is impressive, let me know if you agree.



The wife's little sister and her friends were coming over on Friday, which meant the time had finally come for my girl to give her life for my lungs.

I chopped her down, 3 and a half hours later i was done clipping. I got a nice haul, and a marble sized ball of a rub.

All in all, a great first experience.


hey man looks great. Feels good doesn't it?? I also run a 400w in a little area about twice the size of yours (like two of your side by side) and i still have a lil problem in keeping the temps down. On hot days its really hard to keep below 85, how do you keep yours cool? Like I dont see a inline fan or anything but you have to have a secret because that baby is NICE.


Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 19

hey man looks great. Feels good doesn't it?? I also run a 400w in a little area about twice the size of yours (like two of your side by side) and i still have a lil problem in keeping the temps down. On hot days its really hard to keep below 85, how do you keep yours cool? Like I dont see a inline fan or anything but you have to have a secret because that baby is NICE.

My secret is my winter climate, I live in Montreal Canada. So I just don't turn on the base heaters and let the light heat the room that it is in. I also have a small fan that i put at the base of the plant, blowing upward towards the light. The container has a hole cut out above the light for the heat to escape.

As for my yield, when all was said and done I had just over 1/4 lb