Well-Known Member
Z if ya dont mind, would you go through your curing process?
- Drying very freakin important, when u cut a plant or plant part and hang to dry, the transport of fluids within the plant continues but at a slower rate (stomata close soon after harvest). The drying part over 5 to 7 days or even longer, moisture evaporates evenly into the air, yielding uniformly dry buds with minimal THC decomposition. Keep the buds away from window openings or fans directly blowing on em. For best results, drying should be slow. Ideal air temp is between 65 75 degrees and humidity from 45-55%. One more thing, cut braches from 12-40 inches and keep em 6 apart for adequate airflow.
Curing now curing allows buds to continue to dry slowly. The first week of curing affects potency in that it evenly removes moisture within the bud so virtually all THC is psychoactive. Cut stems into 12-18 inches and place them in an airtight containers with a rubber seal. Gently pack as many buds into container as possible without forcing and damaging em. Leave the containers in a cool, dry and dark place. Check in 2 to 4 hours to see if buds have sweated. Check buds by gently squeezing to feel if they are moister than they were a few hours before. If stems fold instead of snapping when bent and buds are still moist, remove em from container and leave em out for 15-30 minutes. Remove when they are dry and place back into the sealed container. Check em the next day to see if they are evenly dry. Open the container for a few minutes every few hours to let the excess moisture escape before closing the lid again. Basically you need to monitor them very closely till they are completely dry.