Official Presidential Harassment Thread

robbing citizens to pay the wealthy is a shit legacy. I'm sure if you wait patiently someone will come along and fuck with Trump's. I bet you can't wait to outsource more jobs and flood your country with caravans filled with disease and savagery.
"caravans filled with disease and savagery"....there you have it.....the true lord kunti.....the scared lord kunti....lord kunti the bigot....lord kunti the hateful....lord kunti the cunt
i hope at some point in the future your family is in a position that you have to beg someone else to help have to rely upon the kindness of people who have never met you, who think you're a diseased savage who may be a threat to them, just because you grew up in a different place....maybe, just maybe, it you have empathy forced down your throat with a stick, you may absorb a little of it
Boring...this section sucks uncleburka sucks moderator cock...the wholesite has really become a joke
How does one cancel their membership to this steamin pile?
Have fun...soon it will down to you and your butt buddies calling each other retards and shit....maybe some day someone will let you join a real site...but dont get your hopes up ..your at the bottom of the barrel for a reason loser
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"caravans filled with disease and savagery"....there you have it.....the true lord kunti.....the scared lord kunti....lord kunti the bigot....lord kunti the hateful....lord kunti the cunt
i hope at some point in the future your family is in a position that you have to beg someone else to help have to rely upon the kindness of people who have never met you, who think you're a diseased savage who may be a threat to them, just because you grew up in a different place....maybe, just maybe, it you have empathy forced down your throat with a stick, you may absorb a little of it

How many illegals have you got stowed away on your property, Herr Schrubber? How many do you employ?
How many illegals have you got stowed away on your property, Herr Schrubber? How many do you employ?

i got a PM about you. is it true that your hatred for mexicans is because you saw your mom getting spit roasted by 2 of them when you were 9? that must be hard to forget huh?
i got a PM about you. is it true that your hatred for mexicans is because you saw your mom getting spit roasted by 2 of them when you were 9? that must be hard to forget huh?
you've got a lot of fantasies about other people's mothers. I can imagine with the amount of members here raised by single moms that a fair amount have walked in on some messed up shit. This is a topic better suited for your therapist. It was very brave if you to leave your safe space to make this post.
How many illegals have you got stowed away on your property, Herr Schrubber? How many do you employ?
i don't employ anyone, i'm independently poor.
i do not support illegal immigration. i do support a sane, compassionate immigration policy, where we do not separate families for no other reason than to dissuade other immigrant families to come to our country. a policy that doesn't waste billions of dollars on a symbol of trumps virility. a policy that recognizes that while the adults we're admitting to the country may not have many valuable skills, their children, born and raised in America, may be the inventors of the future, the healers of the future, the writers, the teachers...
Have fun...soon it will down to you and your butt buddies calling each other retards and shit....maybe some day someone will let you join a real site...but dont get your hopes up ..your at the bottom of the barrel for a reason loser
i welcome republicans to come and give a rational response. i welcome conservatives to give a rational response...i welcome anyone to come and have a rational coherent discussion. something you have never done. you make provocative statements for shock value, then add nothing of any substance after the statements...then accuse us of being intolerant and biased, and not listening....well, i am intolerant of fucknut assholes wasting my time, even though it's not very valuable to anyone but me. and i have stopped listening, because every time i've wasted the effort to hear what your saying, it's has indeed been wasted effort....
you've got a lot of fantasies about other people's mothers. I can imagine with the amount of members here raised by single moms that a fair amount have walked in on some messed up shit. This is a topic better suited for your therapist. It was very brave if you to leave your safe space to make this post.
how do you know how anyone here was raised? it looks like most of us were raised with better manners and smarter parents that you.
and i would appreciate it if you would quit projecting your childhood memories onto the rest of us
you've got a lot of fantasies about other people's mothers. I can imagine with the amount of members here raised by single moms that a fair amount have walked in on some messed up shit. This is a topic better suited for your therapist. It was very brave if you to leave your safe space to make this post.

you make lots of comments about therapists. are you seeing one to help your transition from male to female? stay strong future caitlyn.